14 Days of Loving Yourself
Thank you to my friend Heather who suggested that in honor of Valentines Day, we should focus on Self Love. I’m actually really excited about this and TOTALLY need to work on loving myself more.
To be completely honest, I lack confidence more than I’d like to admit. I struggle with self doubt due to the comparison game. I cannot seem to shake this one but determined to master it. I think most women can relate. One minute we’re feeling so confident and secure, then in walks a beautifully flawless women and suddenly you feel like the ugliest women in the room. This is what I do to myself in the blogging world.
February’s challenge couldn’t be more perfect for this time in my life. I want to love and appreciate my own unique gifts and talents. I want to be inspired by the success of others instead of allowing it to bring me down or make me feel inadequate. I wannabe CONFIDENT!
“You should never be the smartest person in the room. There’s always going to be somebody who’s smarter to learn from — and that’s a good thing.”
Jessica Alba
“Your piano teacher was right: practice does make perfect. “The best way to build confidence in a given area is to invest energy in it and work hard at it,” says Schwartz. Many people give up when they think they’re not good at a particular job or task, assuming the exertion is fruitless. But Schwartz argues that deliberate practice will almost always trump natural aptitude. If you are unsure about your ability to do something — speak in front of large audience, negotiate with a tough customer — start by trying out the skills in a safe setting. “Practice can be very useful, and is highly recommended because in addition to building confidence, it also tends to improve quality. Actually deliver the big presentation more than once before the due date. Do a dry run before opening a new store,” says Gruenfeld. Even people who are confident in their abilities can become more so with better preparation.”
-Amy Gallo
- Practice regular positive self talk.
- Say Exactly what you mean.
- Stay away from negative people.
- Let go of what you can’t control.
- Be honest with yourself about what you know and what you still need to learn.
- Practice doing things that aren’t always easy or comfortable.
- Embrace failure! Failure IS success!
- Stand tall and practice good posture.
- Smile
- Be grateful
- Exercise
- Worry about what other people think.
- Be a people pleaser.
- Speak badly about yourself.
- Give up!
- Be afraid to say “NO”.
- Be afraid to say “YES”.
- Focus on whether or not you have the ability, instead focus on the value you provide.
- Hesitate to ask for validation if you need it. It’s OKAY to ask for honest feedback.
- Be afraid to try new things.
- Judge others, it’s a reflection of what you think about yourself.
Use the prompts below to participate in the challenge. Always use the hashtag #wannabeconfident so that we can connect with each other that way. If you have not done a Periscope before then be sure to introduce yourself and post your username in the Wannabe Balanced Facebook group.

1. Love Letter to Self (read daily)
Write a love letter to yourself. Be very detailed and write it as if God is saying these things to you. After all, God is the greatest source of love and we should be opening ourselves up to receive his love on a daily basis. So be sure to read this letter DAILY!
2. What are your Gifts and Talents? I want to hear what you know to be your God given gifts and talents.
3. Pamper Yourself, take a long bath with candles, give yourself a facial, manicure, pedicure, or go get a massage. Just do something that makes you feel good about yourself.
4. Go for a walk while saying positive affirmations. It’s always a good idea to be alone in nature and give yourself some positive self talk. Notice the beauty and thank God for all he has given you. Praise yourself for the challenges you’ve overcome, or the choices you’ve made that turned out to be a really good thing. Give yourself credit for a job well done and at the same time, thank God for guiding you and giving you the strength to endure.
5. Tell us about something you did that you’re really proud of.
6. Every time you look in the mirror today, give yourself a compliment.
7. Cultivate a morning routine that includes alone time with God. There’s nothing like the peace you find in the quiet hours of the morning. My day goes SO much better if I can wake up before the kids and have a little quiet time with God. I thank him for increasing my understanding and ask him to guide me as I go about my day.
8. What gives you purpose? What do you enjoy doing that gives you great satisfaction and fulfillment?
9. Exercise hard today! Push yourself extra hard to recieve the euphoric feeling that comes after a job well done.
10. Share a healthy habit you’d like to incorporate into your life. Could be something as simple as drinking an extra glass of water each day, or adding a new super food to your diet.
11. Enjoy the sunrise with positive affirmations. The sunrise is one of the most amazing things to witness. Most the time I’m too caught up in the book I’m reading, or my journaling that I don’t even look up to take it all in.
12. Share a recent “Tender Mercy”. What kinds of little miracles have you witnessed in your life within the last week? Are you noticing all that God is providing for you? A lot of times God answers prayers through the voice of another person.
13. Listen to happy music and dance. Oh how I love listening to music. It’s an instant pick me up. I’ve kind of created a ritual in my house. I love to turn the fire place on, light a candle, and play some music. It instantly lifts my spirit.
14. Happy Valentines Day!!!! Share a picture that best describes “LOVE”.
Please share this, heaven knows we ALL need it. Let’s help each other reach greater heights of confidence and self love.

Awww. I love this post. I just find waking up in the morning and spending time with God is the best way to start my day. Then I do my exercise and do a little motivational reading, work on the blog and do housework. Loving yourself is the best way to help you love others. It's hard to truly see the needs of others if you can't love yourself first, very true.
~ Laura =)