If I could go back, I would have been more serious about learning the piano and violin. For the most part we had a piano in our home growing up and my mom is a beautiful piano player. I would love to have a piano but we just have not made the plunge yet AND I don’t really know where I’d put a piano. PLUS, if we choose piano then that means we’d have to get a piano in our St. George home too. So since I really love the guitar and Lily seemed to be intrigued with it as well, we decided to start with the guitar. I was doing really good for a while, I practiced every day for about a year then I had Owen and things took a slight turn. I realized that I just don’t have time to do EVERYTHING I want to do right now. So for now I’m living vicariously through Lily and doing my best to keep her motivated to practice.
Here are my top 3 tips to getting your kids to practice their music
Yes, I said it. Bribery is such an awesome concept don’t you think? You get what you want, they get what they want. It’s a beatiful thing. So I’ve learned that bribery goes a long way. You have to figure out what they really value though. Lily is not really motivated by money, but Oliver is. Lily is motivated by play time with friends. So I use that to my advantage.
Tools & Resources
I recently learned about this incredible guitar playing tool called the Fret Deck. It was designed by my friend Justin to help guitar players master the entire fret board in every single key so they feel more comfortable playing the guitar.
I also love to use YouTube to help inspire her. I show her young guitar players singing popular songs to the guitar. This has definitely been a huge motivation for her.
Be Involved
Now this one is really hard for me because it’s difficult to find the time when you have 3 other children to tend to. So I haven’t been too good with this yet, but it’s my goal once school starts. We’re going to figure out a game plan and a routine to make this happen.

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