Let’s get real here… I’ve had 4 babies the natural way and one of those babies was 9 and a half pounds, yikes! Needless to say, my lady parts aint what they used to be. This topic is not talked about much but I think most moms can relate. We go to the gym to tighten up our abs, arms, thighs and butts, well how about tightening up where it counts. We all experience these kinds of changes after giving birth, so I feel it’s something I should be able to openly discuss. I never knew there was actually a way to restore that area until I recently heard about the vaginal rejuvenation treatment called Core Intima. It’s the newest, non surgical treatment available at Form Spa.
“Core Intima is a non-surgical laser procedure that delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall that stimulates a healing response and enhances moisture in the vaginal canal. This results in remodeling of the tissue fibers thereby restoring flexibility and shape. “
I went in for my first vaginal rejuvenation treatment yesterday (they recommend 3) and even though they said it was painless I was still a little nervous once they inserted the laser wand into my hoo-ha and began the treatment. To my surprise I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever! Of course it’s never my favorite thing to be spread eagle on a doctors table, something we women are all too familiar with. Never gets any less awkward though right? Thankfully it was quick and over before I knew it.
Now I just need to abstain from sex for a week, poor Sean, haha. I hear it’s worth the wait.
I plan to do a blog post after each treatment to give you an update on my vaginal rejuvenation results. So far it’s too soon to tell, but I’m happy to answer questions if anyone wants to email me in a week.
In my religion it’s not common that we talk much about sex, but that doesn’t mean we don’t believe in the beauty and power in a healthy sex life between a husband and wife.
President Spencer W. Kimball noted that even in our own church, “if you study the divorces, as we have had to do in these past years, you will find there are one, two, three, four reasons. Generally sex is the first. They did not get along sexually. They may not say that in court. They may not even tell that to their attorneys, but that is the reason. The Bible celebrates sex and its proper use, presenting it as God-created, God-ordained, God-blessed. It makes plain that God himself implanted the physical magnetism between the sexes for two reasons: for the propagation of the human race, and for the expression of that kind of love between man and wife that makes for true oneness. His commandment to the first man and woman to be ‘one flesh’ was as important as his command to ‘be fruitful and multiply.”
I’m all about maintaining a healthy sex life between my husband and I even as our bodies change and grow older. It’s important that we are able to openly talk about this kind of things and discuss options to better our experience.
Watch this 2 minute video to learn more about how Core Intima works.
Read about my second treatment and final results.

Thanks for sharing this information about Vaginal Rejuvenation. Good Job….Keep it up…
I can see how this would be helpful for women after childbirth. My wife just had our son and has been thinking about doing some rejuvenation. I’ll have to let her know about how safe and beneficial this is.