Weight loss is the number one made New Year Resolution, and yes, I’m one of these statistics. Not just to lose weight, but a full on overhaul of my mind body and soul. I want to get healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. I’ve always been real health conscious even since I was younger. I’ve understood the concept of cleansing the body for over 15 years now. In fact, my first experience with cleansing was the Master Cleanse. The one where you just drink lemon juice for days. Not only was that one impossible to stick with, but I ended up gaining way more weight after my 3 day attempt. Since then I’ve done more research on the topic and found that it’s atually not that smart to go more than 2 days on a liquid diet because it begins confusing your metabolism and creating long term damage. Also, it’s extemely important to be providing your body with an abundance of nutrition on those days.
I’ve been pregnant and nursing for 6 years straight and haven’t been able to do a cleanse all this time until now. Monday was my first day back on the 30 Day Nutritional Cleansing Program. It’s the same program I’ve been doing for over 12 years, in between having babies of course, and it’s the one that initially helped me lose 25 lbs and go from a size 10 to a 5 in less than six weeks. Also, has helped me lose the baby weight each time.
The holidays set me back just a little. I can still fit in my size 5 jeans, but not in a flattering way, more of a perfect muffin top kinda way.
First step to cleansing… Take your BEFORE picture.
You know how all before pictures the people always look depressed? Well, here’s my “HAPPY but I know I can improve” before picture.
Watch my Insta Stories to see my work in progress and next week I will post a progress picture and new blog post to go with it.
We all want to lose weight fast. We are also becoming a more health conscious society rather than a “being skinny” obsessed people. Don’t get me wrong, losing weight is still a priority for most women, especially moms. We put our bodies through so much in order to bring these little babies into the world. Then we pretty much devote all our time and energy into raising them. Needless to say, it takes a tole on our bodies and our health. More and more we are realizing that our health can NOT be put on the back burner while we raise our children. Our health is exactly what will power us through the many hours required for caring for our family.
We wonder why we don’t feel good, can’t lose the weight, or overcome addictions. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
My husband and I have been coaching people through cleanses ever since we met. Doing this has actually been our sole source of income. We made our first million at age 27 and have been semi retired since then. So that kind of shows you just how incredible this program is and that it actually works.
Here were my very first before and after pics. Not the best quality because they are so old.
And here are my most recent ones after baby #4
The weight loss is just an exciting side benefit to cleansing the body. Other things you will notice when cleansing out the junk is, getting a handle on your food cravings, increased energy, stamina, and mental clarity. We have coached thousands of people through a 30 day program and have seen all kinds of amazing results. What it all comes down to is the simple fact that it WORKS and that’s why my husband and I have been able to achieve tremendous success financially. We are living our dream all because we continue to share what we KNOW with others.
My sister in law is my most recent success story, but I have thousands more just like hers.
Click HERE to get started on your 30 day program!!!
Watch this awesome 5 minute video called “ARE YOU TOXIC?”
Get my FREE PDF Meal Plan HERE!!!

You look great! I never realised how toxic my body was until after I completed my first cleanse. love Isagenix and have I never been so grateful for a product in my life. Nutritional cleansing has helped me to feel so much better by removing toxins and helped me to release 40lbs.
That is so so awesome Windy!!! I love to hear that! Thank you for sharing this.