Isn’t this such a great time of year to celebrate LOVE in all forms? Love for our spouse, love for our family and love for ourselfes. If you’re struggling with low confidence then check out my 14 Days of Loving Yourself post I created last year.
I really try to make holidays special for my kids. It’s doesn’t always happen every year and for every holiday, but I do my best. Most years we’ve done some kind of activity as a family for Valentines Day. So I thought I’d create this post to highlight some of the things we’ve done over the years to help give you some ideas for your family.
Family Dinner
Decorating the table and making fun “heart” themed dinners seem to be quite the hit in our house. The kids think it’s so much fun to create as many different heart shaped foods as possible! A couple years ago we even made it restarant style and had menus and everything. It was a lot of fun for the kids to act as servers by taking orders and serving up the meals themselves. Keep in mind I’m sharing old pics as well as some new. My old pictures aren’t the best quality. I’ve come a long way with my photography skills, haha.
Not the best quality picture but this was before I knew a thing or two about photography.
You can use heart shaped cookie cutters or even kitchen scissors to cut food into hearts.
We made some yummy healthy jello in this heart shaped pan, topped with vegan coconut whip cream and fruit! This is my favorite!
We made these fun frozen yogurt hearts out of home made strawberry Kefir. So they are low in sugar and full of probiotics. All you need is some nice Easy Flex Heart 24-Cavity Silicone Molds.
14 Days of Love Lessons
Festive dinners and foods are fun but mostly I want to teach my children the importance of LOVE. So with the inspiration of one of my friends, I set aside a little time each night in February leading up to Valentines to have lessons on love. I found these cute heart shaped containers at the dollor store and inside I’ve placed a piece of paper with a small list of things we will do and talk about.
I love taking advantage of all the wonderful resources on YouTube. We’ve kind of made it a tradition now with each holiday we look up YouTube videos. Here’s a list below of some ideas you can include in your daily lesson and activity.
~Make Class Valentines and boxes together as a family
~Make special drinks you can call “Cupids Brew” In this drink below we put a little sherbet ice cream in Marinelli’s
~Play games: Toss candy hearts into cups
~Watch our own home videos
~Make fruit plates
~Play I love you game: have each person say what they love about each member of the family.
~Look through family photo albums and share favorite memories.
~Decorate heart shaped cupcakes or cookies.
YouTube Videos
~Families Can Be Together Forever
Scriptures on Love
John 13:34-35
1 John 4:11
Mosiah 4:14-15
Moses 5:2
Matt. 16:19
D&C 110:13-14,16
D&C 132:15-21
4 Nephi 1:15
3 Nephi 11:22,29
Proverbs 15:1
Proverbs 17:17
Moroni 8:26
Honestly friends, these are the 2 best family valentines day activities our children love doing. What about you? What have you planned for your family valentines day? I’d love to hear about it!

This is so sweet. I am not into Valentine Day but I really like how you have included your children in this.
You’re so sweet! Thank you so much for your comment!!!