Let’s be real. Waking up before the kids is extremely difficult. Usually Owen (my 3 year old) wakes up first and has no sympathy whatsoever. He comes straight into my room and yells at me to get out of bed. I beg him for one more minute but he shows no mercy and the yelling just escalates into a full on tantrum. This has been my life for the past 6 months or so. I completely got out of the habit of making time for personal study, prayer and meditation.
<<<Listen to my Morning Routine Podcast Episode HERE>>>
I’d go about my days feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and a bit stressed. I lacked focus on what I needed and should be doing each day, therefore I was not as productive as normal. Not only that but I struggled to be present when I was with my kids. I tried so hard to give them my full attention when I knew they needed me but my mind would wonder, and I was constantly worried about what needed to be done. Over time I began to notice feelings of anxiety creeping in. Thats when I knew I needed to make some changes.
So I decided to take action. I knew I needed to take more time to prepare for the day instead of constantly feeling two steps behind and playing catch up. I needed the peace and stillness of the morning to organize my thoughts and my day. To pray to God about the things that were on my mind. To write out my affirmations and gratitude list. To read and to ponder. I simply needed QUIET TIME with no interruptions.
The last two weeks I’ve been waking up an hour or two before the kids to allow that time to revive my morning ritual, and guess what? I’ve noticed an unbelievable difference. I feel more calm, more centered and more at peace with my daily mom work flow. I feel more relaxed, yet more productive. I’m able to focus and be more present with my children. Most importantly I just feel an overall sense of wellbeing.
Waking up early is hard, but the pay off is worth it. Studies have shown that waking up early can ACTUALLY put you in a better mood. It’s especially important for us moms. We rarely get a moment to ourselves and it’s better that we go to bed early and utilize those morning hours as opposed to staying up late to get your “YOU” time in. We are more productive in the morning hours than at night. In the evening I just end up watching Netflix. At night I’m in no mood to read or write that’s for sure.
I wanted to show you what my daily morning routine looks like, as well as give you a FREE printable I created with the help of my friend Glady at Hearttakethewheel.com. It’s just a little helpful guide for you to use as part of your morning rituals. Get your printable HERE.
Night Prep
First of all, a successful daily morning routine starts the night before. I like to make everything a ritual really. I’m all about setting the mood. Lighting a candle or putting lavender in my Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser. Make yourself a cup of night time tea, put on a clarifying or moisturizing face mask, and play some calming music.
I find it helpful to write out a list of things I need and WANT to do the next day. Not just work and household tasks. But I really ponder the things I want to improve in my role as a mother and a wife. Like certain activities I want to do with my kids, or even write out little goals like; take more video and pics of them, pray together, teach them how to help with household chores. Pay more attention to the cute things they say and take the time to write them down. Bring a surprise lunch to my kids at school, or prepare a special family dinner.
I also like to take a moment to think about some ways I can make the day run smoother. Like starting a load of laundry, choosing all our outfits for the next day, making sure the car is cleaned out, and doing a little meal prep.
Wannabe Balanced Daily Morning Routine
You know I’m all about that BALANCE. I like to incorporate balance in everything I do and my daily morning routine is the perfect time to focus on mind, body, and soul. Again, I like to start by setting the mood. Find a comfy quiet spot, (preferably a place where you can watch the sun rise). Set up your Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser with some Relax & Rejuvenate
essential oil blend. Make yourself a cup of tea, or warm lemon juice, and a big glass of water. I also like my caffeine. I don’t drink coffee, but I do enjoy an EShot which is an all natural alternative energy shot with caffeine derived from Yerba Mate and adaptogens to help the body cope with stress.
If you could wake up 2 hours before your kids that would be ideal, but I know for me its REALLY hard to do that. So I do what I can and usually I wake up just an hour before they wake up and I still see that positive impact it has on my mood and the flow of my day. Here is an example of what my morning quiet time looks like.
- Prayer
- Listen to a song with uplifting words (I like to listen to Today’s Christian Hits channel on Pandora).
- Do a little stretching and or some Yoga poses.
- Meditate
- Read scriptures
- Read a few pages in the book I’m reading. Right now it’s Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
- Fill out my worksheet which includes your gratitude list and affirmations.
- Get dressed for the day and start preparing breakfast.
On the printable worksheet I felt it very important to address my Phone Addiction. I want to set aside a few hours a day where my phone is OFF LIMITS. Not texting, no siri, no google, no checking email and social media notifications.

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