Today I want to explain just how amazing the IsaLean Protein shakes are and how they compare to all others on the market. I’ve recently created a meal plan and one of the main and most important meals in this plan are these amazing super food shakes.
I get a lot of emails from people asking me about my weight loss and what I eat on a regular basis. Read my full story HERE. I gained almost 50 lbs with each one of my pregnancies and have been able to lose it all every time, thanks to my healthy lifestyle that includes, cleansing and the daily consumption of perfectly balanced meals in shake form. I have been drinking these delicious shakes for over 11 years now and believe me when I say that these shakes are the #1 most important piece to my weight loss success. Of course I believe that cleansing is also very important, but I’m most passionate about daily nutrition and how that can affect the body and your weight. Also, the shakes are a great option for nursing mamas because cleansing is not advised while nursing or pregnant.
Most of us are busy moms and finding time to create healthy nutritious meals each day is extremely tough. That’s why I love that I can replace at least one meal a day with these no brainer meals. One less thing to worry about right? I don’t believe in fast food, but this is the only exception. With only 240 calories, it’s the perfect nutrient-dense food.
Now I’m fully aware that Shakeology and Isagenix are going head to head in competition as far as the amount of consumers go. So let me break down the difference between these two shakes. It’s important that you do your research and look into the ingredient sources.
Is Shakeology a good shake? Yes. Does it beat the IsaLean? No! Here’s why-
Unfortunately, nearly every single whey protein supplement out there is denatured. Fortunately, Isagenix isn’t one of them, which I’ll explain in a second.
When talking about whey protein and how it’s processed or created, not all processes and whey proteins are created equally. Whey is the byproduct of cheese making. Most companies use salts, enzymes, acids or heat to separate out the curds from the whey and casein. These 4 processes absolutely change whey and casein. This type is called “denatured” meaning the proteins are altered through chemical or physical means so that some of its original properties are lost or diminished.
There’s another way in which the curds and whey and casein can be separated. It’s a patented, exclusive process called cold, ion exchange micro-filtration. This process does not use the above-mentioned 4 processes. This process is how our Isagenix undenatured whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate and low-heat non-fat dry milk is created. This process is incredibly expensive but protects the whey in its natural God-given state, protecting all the dipeptides and tripeptides, yielding an amazing amino acid profile too.
These undenatured proteins are then cold air dried in a huge spray-drying drum, using no heat and then the proteins are carefully sealed in crates. Our whey comes from New Zealand, free-range cows that are grass fed (free from herbicides, pesticides etc.), milked and rested according to season and free of hormones, antibiotics and steroids. These are happy cows. This whey is exclusive to Isagenix!”
source~ Shakeyourwaytosuccess
Source~ Shakeyourwaytosuccess
Below is a short testimonial and before and after picture I thought was a perfect example of how quality can really make a difference in results. I found this information on
fat, sodium and cholesterol, IsaLean® Shake provides the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy poly- and mono-unsaturated fats, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals (including calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and vitamin D). Plus, you get active digestive enzymes that help maximize absorption of key nutrients. Many products touted as “meal replacements” don’t deliver adequate nutrition to do the job of replacing a meal. Plus, most don’t have the right amount of protein to prevent the muscle
Love the IsaLean® Shakes; they’re a delicious, whole meal replacement. Perfect protein/carb balance with the clean, undenatured protein with all enzymes/amino acids. I don’t go a day without it. My daughter has it every day. I feel healthier and less cravings than ever on my shakes.
– Mitja K., Washington -
My children know this is how we start our day every day so they get up and make their own shakes. It helps us to establish our morning routine and stay focused.
– Rebecca F., Texas -
IsaLean® Shakes give me energy and my body feels balanced. I love it for dinner. My body feels that it is really nourished.
– Monica B., Washington -
IsaLean® Shakes have helped me gain control of my weight. I now maintain a consistent weight, have gained lean muscle and feel healthier than ever before.
– Janie L., California -
I love IsaLean® Shakes. They are delicious, filling, and totally satisfying. Simple to prepare and feel so easy in the tummy. No gas, bloating, or other heaviness. They make it very easy to stick to the 30-Day System.
– Patricia A., California -
My body can’t wait for its morning shake. When I drink it, I can just feel my body responding to its nutritional value. It wakes me up and makes me feel alive!
– Richard O., Texas -
I went from being tired, overwhelmed, and irritable to unbelievable energy, mental clarity, and a sense of peace. My 5½-year-old said I am much nicer when I drink my shakes.
– Becky B., Texas -
Black Sesame IsaLean Shake reminds me a bit of a nutty light coffee drink with a light sweetness. Same amazing health benefits (as the other IsaLean Shake flavors): it’s a meal replacement and features the same protein!
– Lori H.

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