Reserve your ticket to the 2019 Wannabe Balanced Book Launch Party !!!
May 10th 2019
In December 2016 I put on my very first Wannabe Balanced event, and April 2017 the second one happened. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years and so glad I finally got up the nerve to make it happen. I worried so much about my ability to throw an event and I realized that I just had to go for it, because “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
About 7 years ago I was inspired to begin blogging. I thought of it as a way to record and share publicly the experiences and life lessons I was learning. I started out with so much excitement and direction. I felt like I was fulfilling a special mission and it gave me purpose. Over time I lost sight of my purpose and it became a competition. I suddenly found myself feeling inferior to all these other amazing bloggers. I compared myself so much to their beautiful pictures and perfectly written blog posts that I felt I didn’t measure up. I went through major self doubt and lacked the confidence I had when I first started. I began telling myself it was just a waste of time because I didn’t have anything different or unique to offer. Everything has already been said or done before. So I gave up. I quit blogging for a few years.
I’ve found that many of us can relate to this feeling when trying to pursue different endeavors. We get discouraged by over saturated markets. It’s not often that we hear of something completely new and innovative. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find a unique way of doing whats already been done. I believe we are all bloggers in a way. Social media is something almost EVERYONE uses. We use it to teach, share, inspire, and support. Even though often times the message is something we’ve most likely heard before. The difference is it’s never been said by YOU. Combined with your personality, experience and background. There are a million different ways to say the same thing, what makes it unique is YOU! Different messages resonate with different audiences in different ways.
Over time I have learned to be inspired by the success of other women. My purpose and mission has become something bigger than myself and my own messages. It’s evolved into women empowerment. I want to help women overcome the feelings we sometimes get when we look at each other. What if she’s prettier than me, what if she’s a better mother than me? More successful, more patient, more kind, more fun… Often times we feel these feelings without realizing it. None of us want to admit we are jealous of each other or feel resentment. We need to learn to let go of these comparisons and know that there is more than enough to go around. We all have our own special gifts and we can become something even more amazing by utilizing each others gifts and lifting one another. Genuinely loving and supporting one another will only propel us to greater heights. If we withhold our gifts and support, we are depriving those who may need us the most.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.” ~Martha Graham
Keep spreading your message and sharing your gifts in YOUR way, because there is nobody youer than YOU!
When planning this event I reached out to all my favorite brands to see if they wanted to be a part of it. Everything turned out even better than I expected. Our yummy dinner was provided by Cafe Zupas and it was absolutely amazing. My favorite is the Chicken Enchilada soup and the Nuts About Berries salad.

Lindsey Hurst Films created a beautiful video of the night and she captured it so perfectly. She really has such a talent for making videos. Find her on Instagram HERE.
Kenra Proffessional
Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner Set, 33.8-Ounce

Anjou Essential Oils Anjou Ceramic Aromatherapy

Anjou Cellulite Cream Anti-Cellulite, Muscle Relaxation for Yoga, Firming and Toning Gel, Hot Cream, over 15 Natural Essential Oils, 87% Organic

11th Thread
This shop is one of my favorite boutiques. They have the cutest clothes and accessories. I got this purse from them. Each guest got a $25 gift card from 11th Thread.

Image Skincare


Modern Vintage Boutique
I’ve been shopping at this boutique for years. They have the biggest selection I’ve seen so far. I visited their warehouse in Draper and it’s INSANE! Endless amounts of cute clothes. Everyone at the party got one of these beautiful blanket scarves.
If you don’t own an Arvo watch yet then you’re missing out. I wear mine practically every day.
Redmond Farms
Most of you already know I’m a huge fan of Redmond Farms. They have all kinds of healthy organic foods, even fresh raw milk from local grass fed cows. I’ve taught a couple of my Kombucha classes there and it was awesome. They also offer their own house made Kombucha on tap and in bottles. It’s sooooo yummy!!!!
Lala Lovely Boutique
The dress I’m wearing in the video is from this LOVELY Boutique! And everyone got one of these dresses and a cute choker to go with it. Talk about being spoiled! Go follow them over on Instagram!!!
My Paper Crush
And all the table settings, decor and balloons came from She has such beautiful stuff at her shop in Lehi and online. You can her over on Instagram.