Now, this is just ONE day of not cleaning. I thought I would share this with you, because isn’t this the truth. Hopefully our husbands appreciate us for all we do each day.
Thanksgiving was great, but now I feel, in Lily’s terms, “yuck”! I’m in the process of putting together, a schedule for the month of December. Starting December 1st, and going until Christmas, I want to try to balance everything, between, mind, body, soul, and most importantly, spending quality time with my little family. Who’s with me!!! I thought it would be fun to have something new to focus on each day. I’ll make a schedule to follow, then I plan to write about each day in more detail as well as a follow up on how the day went. I just want to be able to enjoy the Christmas season a little more this year, and not get so overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. I thought if I set aside a day for each thing, then I can feel confident that it will all get done, as long as I stick to the schedule.

this is HYSTERICAL! my daughter is 18 months so there is ALWAYS a mess wherever she goes! If I wasn't a stay at home mom my house would be a disaster all the time!! Can't wait for the rest of your blog posts!
I found your blog through… a blog. I don't remember how I ended up here, but your last few posts are so true!! I have two boys and my house looks like that daily… I also want to have a "perfect December" And I am with you!!! Happy Holidays!
I would settle for almost perfect.
BTW…my house looks like that all the time. 4 kids + 2 dogs = insanity.
Sometimes I feel like all I do is clean…and blog.
i like a bit of clutter and mess. if things are too perfect i go nuts. and it's kind of the way you have to be with small children in your house. they just continually destroy it. i love your ideas. your super awesome. i can't be with you though. i hate lists. haha. just teasin. i find if i make the beds in the morning first thing… everything else starts to roll. it's called one little accomplishment at a time. it's like a mind game. baby steps.
Thank you for posting the disaster pictures. I think sometimes my Hubs thinks it's only US. Not! It's a constant battle to keep a house liveable when you've got kids!
I like your idea of a schedule and activities. It will be fun to see what you come up with.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. And by the way, when were you able to sneak into my house for that picture lol. Nice to know others have the same issue with house cleaning(or lack of) lol