I do consider myself a Professional, when it comes to making lists 🙂 Well, given all my experience, and background in the field, pretty much qualifies me. So, therefore, I would like to teach you my “skills”.
First of all, here is a list of all the items you will need.
- Small note pad, preferably with a plastic cover (keeps it protected, when carrying it around in your purse)
- Fine Point Sharpies (okay, this isn’t a must have, but it’s an “I” must have. I love these things, and it’s nice to have all the different colors, if you like color coding)
- Little sticky Post-it tabs (these are nice to have, in order to label, and organize all your lists)
Like I said, I’m very “passionate” when it comes to lists lol. Some call it OCD, but no, not me. Lists are a very important part of my day. When I don’t have a list of what I need to do, I feel paralyzed. I look around, and see dishes, laundry, kids that need to be fed, and dressed. A fridge that needs to be restocked, dinners that need to be planned. And a million more things. Really, the list never ends. It’s easy to feel scatter brained when you have so much to do. A lot of times, we feel overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start. So, the best thing to do, is grab a notepad and pen, and start making a list. Just take it one thing at a time and begin checking them off. I find great satisfaction in checking off my lists 🙂
Like I mentioned before, I’ve realized that not everything can get done in one day. That’s why I put together this ongoing list. It’s one that consists of, organizing a room or drawer, updating my family blog, ironing clothes, cleaning out my purse, restocking the diaper bag, cleaning out my car, ect. These things usually can wait until I find the time to do them. Some days I get only one thing on that list accomplished, and other days I can check off 3 or 4.
So, if you’re anything like me, you have not one, but in fact, have several lists you’re working with. So, I’ve found a great way to consolidate them all with this handy dandy notebook (I’ve been watching way too much Blue’s Clue’s) You can label the tabs however you like. Some may include, Daily list, ongoing list, grocery list, wish list (I’ve listed the things I want, and am saving for). I’ve even set apart sections, for Ideas, Meal Plans, Activities (I’ve listed indoor, and outdoor activities to do with the kids) and Goals.
So, there you go. Please feel free to add any additional advice.

I like lists too. I kind of like making them more than I like doing the stuff on them!
Thanks for following my blog 🙂
Ha! you couldnt have posted a better photo for me. I am a Sharpie addict and I love a brand new notebook and post its. Other than a fresh new pen, there is nothing nicer!
you know i love you. and i love sharpis. and new notebooks. like my favorite. but i HATE lists. i am a little like sean and my dad that way. i kind of would rather fly by the seat of my pants … everyday. haha! that is why you sit on laundry at my house.
We are a lot alike! I am a huge list maker. I love the notebook and binder aisle in the store! lol Thanks for commenting on my blog.
I have notebooks everywhere! haha! I try to keep up with my lists but no luck. What do you recommend? Do you take time out each night or once a week to do your lists or just do it randomly? Would love more advice on this.
ps-I love sharpies too!