Last night Lily had her Christmas dance performance. It was adorable!!! I just love seeing her dance, and am grateful that she can be in dance. I always wanted to take dance growing up, but we couldn’t afford it. So I feel blessed to be able to give Lily these opportunities.

vielen Dank für dein tolles Kommentar. Ich schreibe Dir gerne auf deutsch 🙂
Lily sieht ja süß aus bei ihrem Tanzauftritt.
Wünsche dir und deiner Familie eine schöne Woche
Sounds like a good plan. A spa day would be awesome! There was a good one I went to when we lived in Sugarhouse. My husband starts vacation tomorrow and we have a list to do before Christmas – should be fun!
Thanks – I'm going to go check out those websites you listed.
See ya,
Oh I love the websites and the teething necklace! Keep em comin… I also can't wait till I find someone I trust to watch the kids so I can have some me time.. aka sanity time… lol Have a wonderful week :0) ps lily looks awesome in her costumes.. I took dance for 8 years and have a ton of dresses.. was hopin to have a girl to play dress up in them, but God gave me GI Joe boys :0)
Oh isn't your idea of a spa day just like many LDS mamas? I love that you find a happy attitude about "pampering" yourself. Also, thanks for the website hook ups. Makes the "search" so much easier.
Cherish that gift you gave your beautiful daughter. A lifetime gift that gives you a lifetime of memories. Sweet!
awwww…cute kid! Lovely blog.
i love the teething jewlery for moms. that is neato. i need to look at the daytimers for moms. i love organizers, daytimers, calendars. i would LOVE a spa day. but then i want to buy everything. dangit.
omg i went to the truly moms website and it says hot moms, soccer moms, horny moms, nude moms. i was dyin.
Ahhhhhhhh, I must have a little girl. I don't think the dude would like it if I put him in a tutu. Actually, at 17 mos. he'd probably laugh. It's Daddy who might have an issue with it. Ah ha ha