This Christmas was wonderful!!! I’m continually amazed with the joy children bring to life. It’s easy to get caught up in the constant demands child rearing presents, and forget about the remarkable blessing they really are. Having children around the house invites such a special spirit of innosense and purity. My daughter is teaching me lessons daily, like when she reprimands me for being a teensy bit mean to her daddy 🙂 or, like when I get so worked up about messes around the house, she say’s, “Mom, don’t worry about it so much” lol, definately one of my New Years Resolutions this year will be to, not sweat the small stuff. So, this year was extra special because it was Oliver’s first Christmas, and because Lily is at such a fun age for Holidays. It brings back all the excitement from when I was a child. To see her face on Christmas morning was priceless, and I think the best part of the whole thing is the anticipation leading up to the day. All the talk about Santa, the elves, and the reindeer, just brought me back to my Santa believing years. I’ll never forget the year when someone did the Sub for Santa, for us. We were pretty poor growing up, and never really had big Christmases. This particular year seemed to be the worst one ever. My parents and us 4 kids were living in a tiny 3 bedroom appartment, we didn’t even have enough money for a Christmas tree. I remember coming home one day to a few bags full of gifts, a Christmas tree complete with ornaments and lights, and a little note saying, “From Santa’s Helpers”. Now when I look back at that, I think WOW! What amazing people there are out there in the world, to notice a family in need, and to be there to offer their time and money, in order to provide them the best Christmas ever! I will be eternally grateful for the anonymous givers.
Here are a few pictures of our special day.

What a GORGEOUS family you have! There are so many kind people that do so many small kind anonymous acts for others. Crystal, something tells me you probably do random and anonymous acts of kindness as well from that experience. I say that because my family were often recipients of anonymous sponsored Christmas gifts, trees and dinners. I have always remembered that from my childhood and do the right thing because of it.
It is a blessing that you are able to do the best you can for your family. I actually love that rug and I think it's because it is so quirky. You don't seem like a animal rug gal to me = )
I hope your New Year with your family is amazing!
Ahh!! Crystal Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful Family!!! Good hubby of yours to get you what you really want! I love your hat in the first pic!!!
Anyway I have been making a lot of lists lately and getting a lot done.. Thanks to you.. and starting monday… gyming and diet! Thanks for the inspiration!
You have such a beautiful family, darling!!