With age comes beauty…
Oh wait
That’s not right is it…
With age comes WISDOM.
Or so they say.
Doesn’t seem to be that way in my case. More like, with age comes memory loss, saggy skin, fine lines and little black hairs on my chin.
I know there are many positive ways of looking at the aging process and I’m TRYING to see them π
I do feel grateful for what I’ve accomplished up until now, but I guess I just want to be young and vibrant forever. I want to be able to have the energy and stamina to do many more things in my life. I’ve been actively working on my bucket list and actually feel like this last year I’ve grown tremendously. Turning 30 is a huge milestone in ones life. At this point we all hope to have collected a certain amount of triumphs. Nobody wants to live with the “coulda woulda shoulda” thoughts.
Most of you know of my monthly “Life list” goals. Each month I choose one thing from my bucket list to focus on, like public speaking, photography, writing a song, ect.
This month is my month to learn how to write better. I really suck at this whole writing thing, but I’m determined to enhance my skills and get better. Turning 30 has really made me focus more on what I want to accomplish in my NEXT 30 years.
Lately I’ve been thinking about a bigger more lofty goal.
To write a book by the time I’m 35.
There I said it.
It’s out there, I’m committed, I’m gonna make it happen.
I find it kind of scary sharing such a goal. Perhaps it’s fear. Fear that I’m not good enough, smart enough, talented enough. Fear of what people will think?
Will they laugh? Will they believe in me? Will they support me?
Fear of FAILURE.
By sharing your goals with others, it holds you more accountable. It pushes you to work harder because failing in front of others is much worse than failing at something only you knew about.
It’s an absolute fact, that by SHARING your goals with others, you are more likely to achieve them.
Although I may not be the most talented writer in the world, I do believe I have a special story to tell. As most of us do. It’s all a matter of putting forth the effort to get the story told.
This month I’m reading a book called One Year to a Writing Life: Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer’s Art and Craft.
For those of you who may have the same goal, or simply want to improve your creative writing skills, then this would be a great book for you. Here are a couple tips to start out.
Journaling is the best way to start because it establishes a habit of writing. Make it part of your routine. Record the significant events in your life. Describe how you’re feeling, what you’re feeling and why. Write about your dreams and aspirations. Write about love. Love for God, love for your spouse, love for your children. Write about your disappointments, trials, and most importantly lessons learned.
Incorporate regular timed writing. Start with just 10 minutes a day. Write what ever comes to mind and don’t stop writing for 10 minutes straight. Notice your surroundings and write about them in detail.
I’m really excited to dive into this new goal of mine and I hope you will all stick with me over the next 5 years to see it come to fruition.
So with all the fuss I’ve been putting up about turning 30, I guess it’s really not that bad. I’ll sure miss my twenties, but I’m excited about the story these next few decades will write.

I have a goal of writing a book by the time I'm 35 as well. Not a goal I've shared with many people, and like you – a goal I'm nervous to the bone about, but a huge goal nometheless. Next year will be my big 3 0.
P.S. Happy Birthday my sweet friend π
im sure you dont look like that though!! happy birthday
30 is still YOUNG! Good luck on writing your book! I'm sure you can do it.
Your writing and sharing was beautifully said Crystal. You are a story, and to share that is an amazing gift to the reat of us. Remember that fear is your friend, without it you wouldn't see "growth"!!! My love and encouragement goes to you!
Good for you…I think that is a great goal. I will buy it. π
Happy birthday, Crystal! 30 is young!! You will be looking and feeling young and vibrant for many years to come (especially because you take such great care of your body)!
I have been journaling for about 3 years now, and I'm totally hooked on it! I go back and read things that I had totally forgotten (things that at the time I thought I would NEVER forget) — it's so rewarding!
I can't wait to read your book in 5 years… or sooner!!!
Happy Birthday, Crystal!!
You are just beautiful inside and out and no number will ever change that. π
I've been loving my 30's (though will freely admit that no – i'm not loving the odd grey hairs i've been finding now and then)
You're as young as you feel – for real!
WOW – a book! Exciting! Good for you! Any thoughts as to what type of topic?
My mothers best friend is a published author (several times over) and she hosts a blog dedicated to encouraging writers. I'll leave the link below:
Cheers to you and ENJOY your day!
I'm sure you can do this! My man was a short story writer and didn't think he could write ever write a novel. Now he has his first one in the submission stage and is working on number two. One day I'll be reading your book!
Happy birthday! I loved turning 30. I will be 33 in May, and as I go towards 40, it sort of freaks me out!
You are amazing, friend. So motivated and driven! I definatley believe you will make your goals happen!
You are so funny- 30 is YOUNG, I will be 32 in June… I am the one getting old- LOL!
Love ya!!
Happy Birthday!! You are so beautiful! So don't worry about that!
I love hearing your goals. I know you'll do it!
Happy Birthday, and how exciting! I wish you the best in this journey!
Happy Birthday, Crystal! I really enjoyed this post- great writing advice, thank you π
Girl, you are leaps ahead of me– I am turning 30 in Sept and only just now getting married in June.
It's time for me to start making some babies!!!
You're doing great!
Happy Birthday!
You look fabulous darlin' and you're clearly a beauty inside and out, that's what important. Happy 30th. I'm staring down 37, well in 6 months…
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have the best year, ever.
Girl, you are but a babe – says this ancient fortysomething…
I love your dedication to your goals – very inspirational!!!
Hi Crystal… Happy Birthday!! π
I just turned 40, and I too just decided to write and publish a book. Maybe we can encourage each other!!!! π
PS Great suggestions! And now, I have a suggestion for you. Tell yourself that you are a "GREAT" writer! ;D
Hi Crystal… Happy Birthday!! π
I just turned 40, and I too just decided to write and publish a book. Maybe we can encourage each other!!!! π
PS Great suggestions! And now, I have a suggestion for you. Tell yourself that you are a "GREAT" writer! ;D
That's a great goal. I actually would like to write a book as well. But I really don't have a goal of timing. Just want it to be from the Lord. Anyway, best of luck on that. Like the tips too. Timed writing is a great idea to get started.
Turning 30 was a breeze for me and so was turning 40. It is hard to believe I will be 43 this year. It does not feel like it at all.
I admire you for having a goal to reach by the time you turn 35. I don't have one, but I think I may have to sit down and figure out what I want to accomplish before I turn 50.
Hope you had a lovely birthday Crystal!
A person like you doesn't have to worry about a thing. You always seem so goal-oriented and live a life with purpose.
Cheers to this new path in your life!
I'm sure this book will turn out amazing!
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I wrote another comment, but I don't think it went through- oh well! Hope you had a fabulous birthday- I can't believe you are 30 either, but you are gorgeous either way! =)
I feel the same way about getting older… it just isn't fun and I feel like I have too many things I want to do and not enough time to accomplish them…
I think it is great to share your goal of wanting to write a book… it always helps me to put my goals out there- get support and encouragement =) You can do it!
That is so funny! I am feeling ancient lately, at the ripe old age of 32. Now, I know this isn't old – but last night while watching American Idol – they were doing the contestants birth year. One girl was 1995, and I had to do a double take – was she 2 years old?!! Has that much time gone by since I graduated High School…seriously? I am OLD….ANCIENT, might as well retire now! Lol
Happy Birthday to you π
You inspire me with all your goals and how you actually act on them rather than make wishes. You rock! and Happy birthday girl you are beautiful!