I remember one summer day as a child, I was out playing with one of my friends. We were enjoying a nice time together until suddenly she punched me right in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. After a moment of panic and complete shock, I caught my breath. I couldn’t believe she did this to me!
“I wanted to see if you would cry”, she responded.
I compare this experience to our trials in life. God gave us free agency. The ability to act for ourselves. To CHOOSE! How will we respond to hurtful situations? Will we cry and become bitter? Or will we catch our breath and move forward?
We know that throughout life we are faced with different challenges. We for the most part understand that our purpose here on earth is to pass the test. Will we choose God? Or will be choose to follow our own selfish desires?
Often times I worry too much about what my next trial is going to be? I’m practically EXPECTING to get punched in the gut. But why am I so worried? Why do I fear trials so much?
I should be ready to face them with the “bring it on” attitude. I can handle this? God is with me and he will strengthen me because of it.
If we knew no sadness then we would not know joy.
If we had everything given to us, then we would not appreciate the value of hard work.
If we never had uninterrupted sleep by a screaming baby, then we might not ever appreciate how amazing it is to sleep through the night.
If we never got our hearts broken, then we might not fully appreciate it when we find ourselves a loving and trustworthy man.
If our children never faught with one another, we would not be so dramatically happy when we see them playing nicely together (I think they secretly know this).
Getting punched in the gut, believe it or not, can be a good thing. It might hurt and leave us momentarily out of breath, but it can teach us things. Perhaps to be prepared, be ready to flex when we see the fist coming. Or to understand that the pain and out of breath feeling only lasts for a moment.
In 2 Nephi chapter 2 verses 15-30 of the Book of Mormon teaches us that God’s plan is a plan of HAPPINESS. It was designed to be MOSTLY enjoyable.
“Happiness is the object and design of our existence.”
Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have JOY!
2 Nephi 2:25
Gods plan is utterly sweet and pure perfection. And LOVE is the foundation. He LOVES US! He WANTS us to be happy.

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