Validation. What is it? It’s getting feedback from others that “what I do and say matters to you or has helped you. You think of me. You acknowledge my accomplishments. You appreciate ME.”
It’s OKAY to need a little validation sometimes. We all want to be the kind of person that doesn’t NEED validation from others. As much as I believe our happiness and confidence should come from within, I also believe that it’s OKAY to need a little love, positive words of encouragement and acknowledgment from others sometimes. We need people, God made us that way and we should embrace it. We can’t be on this journey alone and still be our best.
It seems like every time I start feeling down about my blog and wanna just throw in the towel. Then is when I’ll receive a sweet reaffirming message from one of you telling me how much you’ve appreciated my blog, or how it’s inspired or motivated you in some way. Serving others is one of THE most fulfilling endeavors in this life.
So your messages give me that needed validation, proof that what I’m doing serves a greater purpose beyond myself. I also think it’s God’s way of keeping us from giving up on worthwhile endeavors. His hand is in all things and I’ve witnessed this time and time again. So thank you for being my supportive group of friends that keep me from giving up.

this is a great post! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂
It's always nice to feel validated and appreciated!
Sure validation is extremely important… But when I say it, I truly mean SELF validation! You can receive all the validation in the world from others, but if you don't believe it… Then it means NOTHING!
I read both posts and definitely agree! Thanks for sharing!
Such a great post. It has reminded me to be free with genuine compliments—you never know when someone needs a little validation 🙂
Thank you so much my sweet friends for your lovely comments. I sure appreciate every one of you!
Beautiful words! Yes we must all value and nurture what we have to offer, it's often hard to stay confident, but you should be your blog is great 🙂
The post is fantastic! I love it so much:)
Have a nice day!