Many of you nursing mamas know how hard it is to lose weight without compromising your milk. Every time after baby I deal with the emotional rollercoaster of trying to lose the baby weight but making sure I’m consuming enough calories to maintain a healthy milk supply. I have to be honest, sometimes I get so impatient about the weight loss that I almost consider being done with nursing all together. Thank goodness my husband is there to remind me of how much I’m going to miss nursing my baby if I impulsively quit all because I can’t fit in my size 5 jeans.
So I’m here to tell you that I know EXACTLY what you’re going through right now. Just trust me, with a little patience and dedication you CAN lose the weight AND nurse your baby.
I put together all the meals that I ate that helped me lose weight while still nursing my baby, also made a YouTube video showing you how I do my weekly meal prep. Here are my pics after baby number 4! The before picture was taken 6 months after baby. I wanted to give myself plenty of time to relax and indulge before changing anything up. Remember, PATIENCE! The hormones in our bodies after giving birth need a chance to stabalize. You need to focus on getting your baby to sleep so that you can get some sleep, a very important component to weight loss. Just slow down and take this one step at a time. There is no rush. Enjoy your baby and your food, and get as much rest as you can. Then once you feel like you’re in a good routine with your new baby, THEN is when you can start to focus on increasing your physical activity as well as cutting back on certain foods.
The after picture was taken when my baby turned one. I know that is not what you were hoping for. We all want that quick fix, but really, you need to give yourself at least a year. It took you 9 months to grow that baby, now you need to give yourself plenty of time to shrink back to your prepregnancy body.
In the mean time I would recommend investing in a few body shapers. This will help you feel a little more confident in your clothes. There’s nothing worse than feeling your stretched out belly jiggle when you walk. It not only feels nice to have everything held in nice and snug, but it’s nice when you can smooth out your mid section a little. My favorite body shaper is.
ASSETS Red Hot Label by SPANX Top Form Firm Control Racerback Tank, M, White
UPDATE: I’m still nursing my baby and he just turned 3.
If you’d like the FREE PDF version of my meal plan then just enter your email <<HERE>> and I will send it directly to your inbox. Or if you’re like me and want the actual book then you can purchase it on Amazon.
Check out my other weight loss tips HERE and try out my weight loss affirmations video HERE.

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What do you recommend for shapewear, girdles, belly bands etc for those first six months before you lose weight?
What do you recommend for shapewear, girdles, belly bands etc for those first six months before you lose weight? I gained 57 pounds with my 4th pregnancy and have about 35 to lose now. ?
Hey Sarah,
I’m not sure if my response went through. Did you get my reply about the Assets by Spanx camisole? Those are my favorite. In fact, after you asked this question I went in and added a link to it because I know I was wearing these like crazy after baby. So thank you for asking this question.
Thank you for writing this. You’re the only woman I’ve seen who’s said, this me 6 most pp and I got back at a year. I gained over 50 lbs with both my pregnancies. The majority of people I’ve seen or read about were back within 6 months. I teared up reading this because you’re real and I’m not the only one. Thank you so very much
Hey Samantha,
I’m so glad you left me a comment.I really appreciate what you said. You’re right though, it’s really frustrating when you see others do it so quickly. We all get so impatient when losing the baby weight, and I think when we take some of the pressure off of us to do it quickly, then losing the weight is a much more pleasant and natural experience. You don’t feel like you’re constantly depriving yourself of enjoying food.
Thank you for writing this. You’re the only woman I’ve seen who’s said, this me 6 most pp and I got back at a year. I gained over 50 lbs with both my pregnancies. The majority of people I’ve seen or read about were back within 6 months. I teared up reading this because you’re real and I’m not the only one. Thank you so very much