I wanted to quickly share a few tricks I’ve learned about baby skin over the years.
Have any of you experienced Molluscum with your kids?
Well I have with EVERY single one of my kids. it’s the worst!!!
“Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection that causes small pearly or flesh-colored bumps. The bumps may be clear, and the center often is indented. The infection is caused by a virus. The virus is easily spread but is not harmful.”
At Owen’s last check up, the doctor recommended wheatgrass spray. I was sceptacle because we’ve tried so many other natural remedies. But I thought I might as well give it a try.
Wish I would have known about this product when my other kids had this. It can take up to 2 years for the bumps to go away. Most doctors and web information would say that there’s nothing much you can do about it. Just have to wait it out. So that’s what we did with my other 3 kids. We waited and waited, and watched them spread little by little feeling completely helpless.
So we gave the wheat grass spray a try. Applied generously twice a day and after about 4-5 weeks they were gone. As you can imagine we were thrilled!
Baby Acne
The next tip is for baby acne. I remember when Lily and Olly had this at about 6 weeks old. At that time I didn’t think there was anything I could do for it. So with Brooklyn I guess I took a little more proactive approach. I researched it online and found some natural gentle home remedies for it. I gave it a try and sure enough, her baby acne was gone in 2 days!!!
So first you create a paste with the baking soda. Pour a little in a bowl or your hand, then add a little water until you get a paste consistency. Apply it to the affected areas. Leave it on for a few minutes then rinse. After you’ve dried the area then apply a tiny bit of coconut oil to rehydrate the skin, as the baking soda can be a bit drying.
There ya go, my tips on baby skin. Please share with all your mommy friends with newborns. Sure wish someone would have told me about these 10 years ago.

Baby acne is caused by the infux of hormones the baby experiences during birth and shortly after. It will clear up on its on, probably within the next month or less. Don’t pick at them or put any sort of lotion or acne medication on them. Use a clean cloth to wash their face once a day and keep it clean and dry (wipe up any milk spillage) and it will be gone before you know it!
Newborn baby acne is an extremely common condition within the first few months of a newborn’s life. It’s most common on the infant’s cheeks and nose, although it can appear anywhere on the face. So use some remedies and be the careful newborn baby. That will reduce the baby acne problem.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the added advice.