About 6 years ago I branded myself as The Wannabe Balanced Mom. This blog has been a way for me to share my messy imbalanced life and my attempts to clean it up. Like most women, I crave productivity. I like getting things done and checking things off my to-do list. But often times that triggers major imbalance in my life. Balance seems like one of those things you can’t quite grasp. It’s like trying to be perfect. We all know it’s impossible to achieve, but we continue to strive for it each day.
Blogging has filled a need for me and has been a great asset to our business. My husband and I are proffessional network marketers, and I say proffessional because it is our bread and butter income. It’s all we’ve done our entire marriage and it is our legitimate profession. It’s not just something we do on the side. We put in full time hours in the beginning and have now reached a level where we could actually retire. We choose not to because we simply love what we do. We have created the FREEDOM though. The financial freedom and time freedom to do what we want when we want. Like spend 3 weeks in Hawaii without it affecting our income at all. One of the beauties of residual income.
In our line of work it’s all about relationships. We call it relationship marketing. We’re creating friendships and building trust. We don’t sell a product necessarily, we are selling ourselves. And the only way to do that is by being genuine and real.
So today I want to talk to you about the importance of being vulnerable and open. Vulnerability breeds true connections.
What holds us back from putting ourselves out there in a real, raw, uncut way?
We are afraid of what people will think of us. How we will be percieved.
When I first started homeschooling I was so excited and passionate about it. So of course I blogged about it and loved talking about all the reasons why I thought homeschooling was so great. Then after a few years and 2 more kids later, I realized I was at my breaking point. I no longer felt I had what it took to homeschool my children. I was completely overwhelmed. So instead of coming out and blogging about my decision to put my kids in public school, I kinda just quit blogging. I was afraid to admit that I had quit. But finally when I DID get real and blog about it, I had an incredible response. People were messaging me like crazy saying, “thank you for being real”. So this experience taught me the importance of sharing my real life and how it can help others and create a stronger connection with my friends/audience.
(Girls outfits from www.joanieandburt.com)
But it’s importanct to understand that social media shouldn’t be a place of complaining. It’s funny how people are always saying that everyone posts their best selves on social media, like it’s a bad thing. Let’s be honest, do we really want to get online and read about everyones sad stories and problems. Not really right? There’s a difference between complaining and being real. The difference is that you take your MESS and turn it into your MESSAGE!
A few weeks ago I was dealing with feelings of jealousy. What I didn’t do, was get on social media and vomit all my negative emotions.
I needed to give myself time to find answers and feel at peace with what I was experiencing. I wanted to turn my negative feelings into a positive message, for myself and for my friends on social media. I realized that by sharing these real life experiences in a positive way is how we create real life connections with people. Social media is a great platform for business builders, but even more importantly it can be in incredible place to build long lasting friendships and to leave our positive footprint in the world.

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