I’ve been on a life long quest to finding something that works for my acne problems. And just when I’m about to throw in the towel and forget about ever finding relief from it, I’m introduced to something new and I can’t help but proceed with hope.
I recently learned about this new homeopathic technique called Foot Zone Balance. I heard about it from a friend and was very interested in learning more about it. So I made an appointment with Balanced Well Beings in Salt Lake and started regular visits. I initally went there with hopes of finding answers to what’s causing my skin problems, but I left with much more than that.
“FootZonolgy is the science of the signal system in the feet. This is a sustem of signals that run from the light vessels and the light wheels which connect the four lower bodies with your personal blueprint… ZoneBalance is the method on how to utilize the signals in the feet to balance, restore, rejuvenate and repair our four lower bodies… Zone Analysis is how we read, see, and feel the signals from disconnected light vessels and understand the present condition of the four lower bodies.”
My first visit with Rachel Kelsh was very enlightening and informative, my second was even better and my third was AMAZING!!! It’s about figuring out what physical, mental, and emotional blocks we have that are keeping us from reaching our full potential. With each visit I left feeling rejuvenated and calm. I felt more peace and less anxiety, which is huge for me because I’ve been dealing with a lot of internal struggles lately. Feelings of resentment, frustration and self doubt. You know how sometimes you wake up in the morning from a nice dream and you just feel good and rested. Then your brain instantly starts scanning recent events and you’re reminded of the things that are bothering you, the people who hurt you, or the things you’re failing at. I was feeling like this almost every day. I would try to take a moment every day to meditate and pray on how to overcome this feeling, but I’m a mom and you know that leaves little time to do such things. So I found myself skipping the quiet time I so desperately needed, put on my happy face and went about my day.
Rachel helped me pin point the emotional and physical blocks that are holding me back. She helped clarify what I’ve been trying to figure out as far as what my purpose is in this season of my life. My purpose is being the best mother I can be which also means being an example of someone who serves, teaches and shares her gifts and talents with others. My focus has been mainly women. I want to serve and support other women, that’s what drives me. My past experiences and struggles with jealousy and envy, have actually empowered me to share what I’ve learned and help others who are consumed with self doubt because of the success of other women. The comparisons make us weak and lack the confidence needed to excel in our sphere of influence. I’m learning that loving and supporting others is where it’s at. Not competing and not comparing.
I’ve been in the planning process of my very first Wannabe Balanced Event, and the whole time I was planning this I was unclear on my purpose for doing it. I just knew I wanted to do it. So I planned it even though I had no clue what it was going to be about. A few days before the event I had my 3rd visit with Rachel and it couldn’t have been better timing. Suddenly it was so clear what the purpose of the event was. Empowering and supporting other women. So last night was the first of many more Wannabe Balanced events. I really hope to have you all there next time. If you’d like an invite then be sure to subscribe to my blog.
It’s only been a few weeks that I’ve been working with Rachel so it’s too soon to tell if it’s working for my skin, but at this point I’m not even thinking about my skin. I’m just so happy with everything else that she has given me and couldn’t be more grateful that I was introduced to such an incredible technique and person like Rachel.

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