Let’s face it, being a mom is non-stop and we rarely get some mommy me time, some time to do our own thing without someone constantly needing something from us, husbands too if yah know what I mean. It’s nice to step away from it all once in a while and have some mommy me time with a night to let loose, connect with other women, and laugh til it hurts.
Last week I got to enjoy a delicious dinner at Viva Chicken with some of my favorite gal pals. I rarely make the time to do this and after leaving that night I felt so refreshed and renewed. Sean and I make it a point to have weekly date nights, but I forget how important it is to schedule regular girls nights. Like I mentioned in my post on marriage a few weeks ago, you gotta have some girl friends because men just can’t keep up with our never ending desire to TALK.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ ”
– C.S. Lewis
When I think about all the people who have taken part in who I am as a person, I realize just how much we NEED each other. We cannot be the best version of ourselves without the help and influence of others. We need their encouragement, advice, authentic stories, validation, love, support, and understanding.
Having some mommy me time away from the kids is good for the soul. Helps keep things in perspective, reminds us of our life as a whole, not just as a mom. It’s okay to have interests other than caring for our children. God never intended for us to be defined by just one role. We are mothers first and foremost, but we are also women who crave connection with adults, we want to share ourselves and our stories with like minded women. We want to uplift and be uplifted. We want to expand our minds, grow spiritually, be inspired, laugh uncontrollably, talk about our struggles, our dreams and our passions.
And of course it MUST be documented!!! Gotta take our selfies, and snap a few Insta Story vids.
All these pictures were captured by the amazing Paige Hurst.
And can I just tell you, Viva Chicken is seriously one of my favorite places to eat. If you watch my Insta Stories then you probably already know that. I eat there a lot. My favorite is their Stuffed Avocados.
Picture taken by Heart Take The Wheel

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