Every once in a while I get really down about my abilities and what I’m pursuing. I start to think I’m not cut out to be a blogger, Youtuber, Instagrammer, ect. But really what does that even mean? These are all social media platforms intended to share bits and pieces of our lives, teach, inspire, and connect. Why do I tell myself that if I’m not gaining a certain amount of traction that what I have to offer is not valuable? When this happens I realize two things…
I’ve started comparing myself again and
I’ve forgotten my purpose.
My purpose is not to be popular and gain a lot of followers and views. My purpose is to SHARE! That’s all it is. I’m realizing more and more that these blog posts, videos and pictures that I work so hard to create, has invaluable purpose. If anything, I’m creating my own personal history for my children. I’m opening up and sharing my heart and telling my STORY.
I tend to feel guilty a lot about how I spend my time. I’m always questioning myself and wondering if it’s what God wants me to do. I ALWAYS circle back and regain that confidence that God is proud of me for what I’m doing. Satan is the one that makes me second myself. He wants me to feel like I’m a bad mom for pursuing something I enjoy and love. He wants me to feel that it’s selfish when deep down inside I KNOW my own heart and motive. I KNOW that my intensions are pure and I’m always looking to God for guidance. He wants to keep me playing small and never reaching my true potential. He wants me to feel inferior and that I’m not talented enough, funny enough, or pretty enough to do the things I set out to do.
Life is all about experimenting. We have to continue experimenting with new ideas in order to find the right path. It’s never an easy process and I think a lot of times we fool ourselves into thinking that if what we’re pursuing doesn’t seem to happen quickly enough then maybe it’s a sign that we shouldn’t be doing it at all. NO!!!! That is a lie! We need patience, persistence, and purpose. We need to live PASSIONATELY not PASSIVELY. We need to support not suppress.
Reasons why I do what I do!
Because it helps me grow as a person.
I thrive on learning new things. Instead of taking college courses which I could easily do, I’ve chosen books and the internet as my source of education. How blessed we are to have so much information at our fingertips. I love learning a new skill. I love figuring out how to create videos, how to write better, and how social media works. These are all skills that I feel are important in this generation and I can then pass these skills on to my children as they get older.
I’m experimenting.
As I mentioned before, life is about experimenting. Nothing is a waste of time as long as we have our priorities straight and stay connected to God as our source of Guidance. Everything we try that fails, is actually a success, because we grow from these experiences. We learned something! Think of the amount of money we spend on gaining an education the traditional college way. Most people are paying off student loans for decades. So the way I look at it is, I AM in school. The school of life. I have to pay the price for learning, whether it be money, time, or blood sweat and tears. I’m creating my STORY through my experiences and my story is ENOUGH and it adds value to my life, my children’s life, and by sharing it on social media, it’s possibly adding value to the lives of others, even if it be just one.
Family History.
The Internet and social media is not going anywhere so why not create your family history online. Creating video journals and journaling on a blog is a way to preserve these memories and allows me to pass on the lesson’s of my life.
I’m creating jobs.
Haha. I’m all about supporting the economy. Being a mom and trying to create content and manage multiple social media accounts I realized the value of outsourcing. I’ve hired out my house cleaning and laundry cause I HATE it. So I’m providing a job for poor college students needing a flexible schedule and some extra cash to live on while going to school. Also, I’ve hired a few other people to help me with different things online. Like a web designer, personal consultant, Pinterest expert, SEO, photographers, YouTube gurus, ect.
It makes us income.
This is one thing I kinda hate to talk about because I never want to be that person that’s just all about making money, but making money is kind of important so I’m learning to embrace it. Having an online presence definitely gives me opportunities to share the products I’m passionate about.
Writing this all out serves as a reminder for me when I have those doubts and days where I feel like giving up. I don’t want Satan to get the best of me. I am ENOUGH!

Thank you so much for this! I found you through Jody Moore’s podcasts and I am in the process of starting my own blog (travel/lifestyle blog) and these same fears, self-doubt and “Does God want this for me?” Thought are PLAUGING me! I am so glad to have Jody’s voice helping me overcome the brain junk, but this post also helps me to look forward and believe that my voice does add value to the world! Maybe someday I’ll write a post to encourage someone else who is just starting this journey! Thank you!
Yes yes yes Jamie!!!! Your voice does have value, more than you even realize and I love that you’re working at overcoming the road blocks. Keep doing what you’re doing Jamie!!!
Thank you so much for this post. I often question what I have dived into, but refocusing on my why is so helpful. Thanks for helping me refocus today!
I know exactly how you feel Taffy!!!