I’m getting a head start on our March Challenge, #WannabeOrganized. I figure if I start now, I’ll have lots of great content to help motivate and inspire you to join in on the challenge in a couple months. My new goal is to get this whole house in order by working on one room a week.
I’m starting with Owen’s room. I completely decluttered the place, took out the crib *insert sad emoji*, and added some new pillows for his bed. I love how it all turned out. I’m going for the minimalist look, and I had no idea how amazing it could be. To walk into a room with less furniture and decor makes me feel so light and free.
I can’t wait to get started on the rest of the house.
Here are the links to where I bought mostly everything. I couldn’t seem to find another bed like this one though. I bought it at DownEast Home and when I searched for it online I couldn’t find anything like it. Also, check out my YouTube video tour for more details.

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