Check out my bedroom video tour on YouTube.
I loved the way my bedroom looked before, but I was getting sick of all the color and wanted to change it up and go with more neutral tones. I’m absolutely LOVING the way it all turned out. I spent some time decluttering and organizing it, so not only am I loving the decor, but I’m really enjoying a more minimalistic look, with less furniture and decor. Be sure to check out my master bathroom and closet before and after video. I got rid of so much stuff!
I got this white IKEA desk from Amazon. I never knew having a desk as my night stand could be so amazing. I have an office, but it’s nice to have my work space in my bedroom. It feels more cozy and I actually prefer working in my bed anyway. Much more comfortable than sitting at a desk. Also, I’m extremely proud of the fact that I put this desk together ALL by myself, haha. That’s huge for me. I hate following instructions and usually make Sean do all of that kind of stuff.
The bed and night stand is from Ashley Furniture, and the bedding is from Cariloha, my all time favorite bedding EVER. So unbelievably soft and made from Bamboo.
Hand Made Knitted Wall Hanging Feature
The pillows are from Target and the other decor are just things I found at random places like TJ Max.
We have an awesome little terrace off our master bedroom. I LOVE relaxing out there and reading a book. But who am I kidding, when do I really get a moment to sit and read a book, haha. I layed here long enough to snap a pic then I was off to wipe a bum, make some food, and clean up toys. Not necessarily in that order.
By the way, don’t you love this rug? I got it from
P.S. Did you know I am officially a PODCASTER now? Wahoo! It’s been one of my goals for a couple of years now and I’m so excited to finally have it up and running. Check it out if you want to get a behind the scenes scoop on my life as a “WANNABE” Balanced Mom. My husband will even be popping in from time to time to talk business, marriage, and all things family life.
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