It was March 19th 2014. My sweet Owen entered this world. As I looked down at my new baby boy, taking in his beauty and overcome with the euphoria that comes immediately after giving birth. I was in complete adoration of this new child, noticing every bit of his tiny little frame. His eyes, his nose, toes, fingers, little baby legs covered in the most adorable wrinkly skin. As I scanned his body appreciating his perfection I noticed something that didn’t look quite right. He had a little tiny ball of cartilage attached to his ear. As I studied his ears I noticed that one ear was much smaller than the other. Immediately my thoughts went to shame and blame, playing back every moment of my pregnancy, wondering what I must have done to cause this birth defect. What did I eat or not eat, what did I breathe, was I too stressed, did I not exercise or rest enough? Did I take the wrong vitamins? I couldn’t help but wonder what I must have done to cause this.
Check out this story on my YouTube channel where I share actual footage of this event.
After taking Owen to the doctor and getting opinions about his ear and advice on a plan of action for what they call Microtia, we discovered another birth defect. Owen also had a severe blocked heart valve called Pulmonic Stenosis. We ended up having to take him in for an emergency surgery to open up the blocked valve.
Thanks to modern day technology and medicine we were able to get everything under control and have a great plan of action to fix Owen’s ear.
The other day I was reading the book called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. He talks about learning to adapt complete awareness. He also mentioned that often times our hearts become blocked because of our own resistance to unwanted circumstances. The more we resist negative emotions instead of simply allowing them to pass through us, the more our hearts become blocked. When I visualize this happening I can’t help but think about Owen’s blocked heart valve. How his blocked heart valve went unnoticed for 9 months. Normally, symptoms of a blocked valve will eventually start showing externally in the form of shortness of breath, passing out, or turning blue. This never happened to Owen, but his condition was just as serious. Reminds me of the fact that many people go half their lives living with blocked hearts. Not physically blocked like Owen’s but emotionally blocked. Leaving no passages open for positive or negative emotions to pass through.
The reason our hearts become blocked is due to past experiences that caused us to feel pain, sadness, heartache, anger, ect. The heart becomes blocked as a result of fear. Fear is the root of it all. Instead of simply being an observer of our lives, we try to control it out of fear. Fear that we might suffer the same thing again. Our minds remember the pain and suffering, and the heart takes on the symptoms caused by fear.
In this episode I also mention the Bedtime Belly Buster. For more info go HERE!
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