You probably think this episode is about you, don’t you don’t you don’t you?
In this “selfie” society, and somewhat narcissistic generation on the rise, we are seeing more and more anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are triggered by all consuming thoughts about ourselves. When we think the world revolves around us.
One thing I’m really trying to get through my head is that everything is not about ME! As spiritual beings having a human experience we are constantly fighting against the tendencies of the natural man. In our efforts to discover ourselves by studying personal development and taking time for self care, we can create an accidental self absorbed reality.
It’s especially true as we go through our adolescent years. Our minds our consumed with, how do I look, what should I wear, I wonder what they think of me, am I popular, am I pretty, fun, smart, awesome? Everything people do and say becomes all about us.
I was just listening to Jody Moore’s Podcast, Better Than Happy and she did an episode about Mother’s Day, helping us all understand that although you are a mother, mother’s day is not about you. It’s about focusing on all the mothers in your own life, not waiting and hoping with high expectations that our spouse or kids will treat us extra special. We envision exactly what we want from them, and each year we are left feel ing a little disappointed, well at least that’s been the case for me. We want flowers, gifts, breakfast in bed, and basically a day off from motherhood duties. Most the time I do get treated pretty awesome, but I realized I’ve set the bar pretty dang high.
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