Human behavior is something I’m completely fascinated by these days. Learning how the mind works and why we cling so tightly to specific beliefs.
I realize there is a level of comfort that comes from firm beliefs, but in my opinion it hinders our growth.
Anytime we believe we KNOW things with certainty, it blocks us from ever expanding beyond what we currently understand.
Often times we just become robots, programmed as children in order to fit the societal mold.
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Thank you Crystal for sharing and giving me more insight. I feel like I am a confident person then I think back and realize how completely gullible I was. I try to channel my energy into positive vibes and think of the good that I learned but it makes me angry at times when someone questions me leaving or my path for happiness. We all have our triggers one of mine is that I having a midlife crisis. I’m actually having a midlife adventure. Sean is right about follow the money now I can’t get that tune out of my head. Thank you for being so open and honest. Every single time I go against my gut feeling horrible irreversible things happen and I try very hard to just be true to myself. Living this new way for over eight years now has brought me so much happiness and complete freedom. I thought I needed that tribe safety net letting go of Mormonism has let me see there is more than one tribe on this planet. Letting go of judgement for myself and towards others has brought me so much vision that I would have totally missed out on if I had stayed. I no longer follow the herd and it is wonderful!
Hey Tammy, I really loved your insightful comment and feedback. It’s nice to be connected with like minded people like yourself.