When we hear the word creative, we often think of artsy people who spend their days painting or writing songs and poetry. But creativity is one of THE most powerful energies we can all access.
This energy is not just for the people who we deem as creatives, but it’s available to ALL of us. Not for the sole purpose of creating art per se, but it can be used in our every day lives for creative problem solving, inspired ways of extracting what we want out of life, and innovatively contributing to the collective evolution.
How many of you would consider yourself creative? Well guess what, we are ALL creative. It’s in our very nature to create. We literally create LIFE.
We are designed to procreate, cocreate, and recreate.Allow others creative work to inspire your own. Maybe you’d like to recreate a song that has already been written by changing the lyrics to match your life experience. Or rewrite the narrative to a well known fairy tale.
When it comes to using creativity in our every day life, maybe it looks more like rewriting the narrative to your past. Thinking outside the box when it comes to the belief system you inherited from your parents. Or simply coming up with a plan to get out debt, move to your dream destination, or turning your passion into a profession.
For me, I especially love to create organized and cozy living spaces. I also enjoy formulating new recipes, rituals, and routines. Recipes for healthy meals and also recipes for personal development. I love creating new systems and formulas within my life coaching practice to improve mental health and well being.
Everything that has already been created is like additional colors to your pallet. You are the artist and your brain is the paint brush. What picture do you want it to create using all the colors you have available to you. Adding someone else’s colors to your masterpiece is not imitating, it’s innovating.
Sometimes the most brilliant inventions come from combining 2 or 3 things that already exist.
That’s exactly how ER Shred was born. We combined different dietary approaches then made a few enhancements in order to create a sustainable and effective protocol.
We limitate when we imitate.
Because it’s in our nature to create AND evolve, we should always have an innovators mind.
How can we expand upon what we already know? If we hope for each generation to be better than the last, we must live in constant curiosity. Always asking questions.
Questions are at the root of innovation.
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