Last year I created a morning routine blog post and printable and this week I wanted to offer you my bedtime routine, which also includes a printable and even a VIDEO this time, yay!!!
Morning routines have always been a little easier for me to follow than bedtime routines because at night I just want to veg out and watch Netflix for 2 hours. I love me some Netflix, but I’m trying to watch a little less of it and end my day with a few things that help me unwind and clear my mind, allowing for a more restful nights sleep.
If you’re like me and LOVE checklists then be sure to download the bedtime routine printable I created. Here’s what my ideal bedtime routine looks like. Also watch my Bedtime Routine video on YouTube.
- After my shower I brush and floss. If Sean read this he’d totally be calling me out on the flossing thing, I’m not the most consistent flosser. Anyway, I just started using new Crest Gum Detoxify to prevent gum damage. (75% of Americans will experience gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, in their lifetime. Early symptoms include inflamed and bleeding gums.) For clinically proven healthier gums, use Gum Detoxify as your daily toothpaste to neutralize plaque bacteria hidden below the gum line and help ensure a clean and healthy mouth. Get a $2.00 off coupon in the Feb. 11th BrandSaver.
- Set the mood. Light a candle or turn on an oil diffuser with some Lavender oil in it. Then turn on some relaxing music.
- Pamper yourself. Put on a mud mask or moisturizing mask, paint your nails, etc.
- Plan and visualize your day. I like to plan at the beginning of the week, but each night before bed I look at what I have on my planner for the day and make some adjustments if needed, and I like to visualize how I want my day to go.
- Write in your journal. You know those times when you just can’t turn your brain off? You lie in bed for hours trying to fall asleep but your thoughts are keeping you awake. I can’t stress enough the importance of a nice “BRAIN DUMP”. So not only do I take a little time to write about the day and what I’m grateful for, but I like to just let it all out. I write about what’s bothering me, making me feel anxious, problems I need to solve, things I need to do, ideas I have, goals, ect. I find that by putting it all down on paper, it literally puts my mind at ease and I no longer feel overloaded with thoughts. When your mind is free and clear then it provides for a more restful nights sleep.
- Prepare. Start a load of laundry, set your gym clothes out, meal prep, etc. I like to put my headphones and morning drink on my night stand the night before. Usually the first thing I do when I wake up is I pop my headphones in and play something inspirational, like an audio book, scriptures, podcast, or meditation music. Then as I’m still in the dark laying in bed I drink my my Lemon ACV water. This ritual really helps wake me up and gets me going for the day.
- Lunges, crunches, push-ups, stretching. Ideally I’d like to spend just about 5-10 minutes doing some simple strength training and yoga stretches.
- Lights out 10:30! If I’m done with everything on my list and still have time left over then I catch up on a little work until 10:00. Then I watch a little Netflix with my hubby, and around 10:30 I can no longer keep my eyes open.

This blog post was sponsored by CREST but 100% my own oppinions.

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