When I was young and single I remember how much I loved flying. I looked forward to the peace and calm I felt above the clouds. Every time I flew I would fall asleep immediately, often times during take off, that’s how relaxing it was for me. The white noise, the turbulence, the view from 35,000 feet above the earth, I loved it all.
Then I became a mom and everything changed. Soon my carefree, trust everything and everyone mentality no longer existed. I wondered why I suddenly became so fearful of everything. The worst case scenario seemed to flash before my eyes in every situation.
As I’ve discussed this with other moms I’ve learned that this is quite common once you begin your own family. All at once you realize you have a lot more to lose. There are people who now rely on you, your presence, love, nurture, and protection. Your heart has reached a new capacity of love, a love so marvelous you can’t even fathom losing it.
About 9 years ago, when I was pregnant with my second baby, we were flying home from a little family vacation, and I had my first bad experience on an airplane. Nothing actually went wrong, but in my mind at the time, I thought I was literally going to die. We experienced some turbulence that sent me into a full on panic attack. From that point on I decided I never wanted to fly again.
Every year we go on a family vacation, some of them require traveling on an airplane, but every time I have to fly I’m not happy about it. Until now! My most recent trip to Hawaii was evidence that, with hard work and determination, you can overcome your greatest fears. In this VIDEO I go into detail about my top five tips in overcoming fear and anxiety on an airplane. These tips can actually help you in any situation you are feeling anxiety, fear, nervousness, or panic.
#1 Plan out your flight. STAY BUSY!
#2 Write out a page of affirmations. You can print out mine if you’d like.
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#3 Keep your headphones in as much as possible.
#4 Meditate
#5 Use essential oils and crystals specific for anxiety.
I can’t tell you how much these five things have helped me over the years as I’ve worked at calming my momma fears and feel at peace more of the time.

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