I used to think I had ZERO willpower. I believed I was weak when it came to sticking with goals, especially around food.
Sure, I could do it for a week or two, but over and over I found myself back to eating my daily quesa dillas and sucking down the energy drinks.
It’s taken me years to perfect the formula to actually STICK with something longterm.
I teach this a lot in my coaching practice but let me share 5 tips:
1. Never be angry at yourself when you eat something that wasn’t part of your planned protocol.
So you indulged in a treat, or a “junk” meal. Don’t make it mean anything about your ABILITY follow through. It does NOT mean you should go ahead and eat everything in sight the rest of the day. Just start fresh in this moment. No need to wait until tomorrow or next week. Get back on track NOW.
2. Tally up all the times you do NOT give in to the urges when they come.
Urges only last 10-15 minutes, you got this! Download my FREE Food Mood Tracker right HERE to help you notice the thoughts you have when the urges come. Our thoughts and feelings always drive our actions, so decide on some better thoughts that inspire better actions. On one of the sheets you’ll see 100 little squares. I want you to check one of those boxes every time you resist an urge. Watch how empowered you become when you check all 100 of those boxes.

3. Forget the past and move forward.
Ruminating over what was done, the habits you’ve created, the pounds you’ve put on, will never create the future you want. If you’re always using your past as evidence of what you’re capable of then your future will always look the same as your past.
4. When in your life have you committed yourself to something and succeeded?
Did you finish school? Have you been committed in friendships or in your marriage? Did you commit to raising your children? What thoughts drive you to be committed in these areas of your life? Now try to find thoughts with equal passion and commitment when it comes to YOU. Do you want to commit to taking care of yourself the same way you take care of others? Don’t you deserve that same level of love and care?
5. Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Eating has become a form of entertainment for us.
What if we decided to UNLEARN the desire to eat to be entertained. What if we decided that feeling good in our body longterm far outweighs the few moments of pleasure we get when we eat the garbage food. Make a list of alternative ways to entertain. Paint, go on a hike, have a dance party, make a fancy drink using sparkling water. Add some fresh lime and mint to make it pretty. Declutter a room or drawer. Rearrange the furniture in your home. Write a poem or a short story. The ideas are ENDLESS.
I’m so glad I didn’t believe my brain when it was telling me I had no willpower. I was determined to prove my brain wrong, hah! I win!
I hope you’ll take what I teach you and achieve your goals.
I’m rooting for yah.
~ Crystal

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