Let’s take a look at your symptoms, physical AND mental. Do you have any pain in your body? Extra weight? Skin conditions, thinning hair?
Are you dealing with any anxiety or depression?
What ever the symptom is, there is always a root cause and that’s what I hope tonights class can help you identify.
With my rash I explored all potential causes. Through deep introspection and researching breast implant illness, I was able to narrow it down.
When I began reading about breast implant illness and discovered countless stories of other women experiencing the same symptoms as me, I was convinced that my next step towards better health should be to remove my implants.
I also made sure to look at my mental and emotional health during this time. I even went back and read some of my journal entries leading up to the rash outbreak.
I noticed a theme in my writings. RESENTMENT. I was carrying a lot of resentment in my body, thinking I was processing it by writing it out. But writing alone is not always enough. Sometimes you need to SAY something rather than hold it in. Sometimes it’s necessary to voice how you’re feeling, what you’re upset about, set some boundaries and make some changes.
{Want access to my FREE Journal Prompts and Work Books? Sign up HERE to assist you in your goal for increased self awareness through daily writing and monthly challenges.}
If you’re interested in booking a FREE Mini Session then use my calendar link to schedule with me. (New Clients Only)
MY CALENDARhttps://calendly.com/crystalescobar/30-min-free-mini-session