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Putting on this event has been one of the most amazing and most challenging endeavors I’ve pursued. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end it turned out even better than I had imagined it would.
I remember a few months before putting on this event I was so discouraged because I still had not found a venue. I was explaining to Sean how I was feeling and he said, “Crystal, you don’t HAVE to do this”. Although he was trying to lighten my load and be supportive, this was NOT what I wanted to hear. I felt very strongly about my purpose for doing this and I did not want to quit. Within minutes of that conversation with Sean, I received a phone call from my neighbor Michelle (owner of Movara). She wanted to talk about collaborating. I told her about my idea for an event, met up with her an hour later to take a tour of the place and we pretty much decided it would be the perfect fit.
I was overwhelmed with gratitude because of the confirmation this gave me that God was on my side. I felt as though God was saying, “Yes! You can do this Crystal, and it’s going to bless the lives of many women, don’t give up, you got this, and I got you.”
My vision was for this night to be filled with uplifting messages, lots of laughs, good food, good company, and a chance to bring our online connections to real life. It was exactly that and more and I cannot wait for the next one.
I had the cutest and extremely talented girls to capture this night for us. Amber Green who specializes in videography and Paige Hurst who is an amazing photographer.
Wight Gold Boutique was so sweet and donated a pair of cute gold bar earrings for every one of the girls. Also, the outfit I’m wearing is from Wight Gold.
We had the most wonderful sponsors! Tori from Hello Happy House made us the cutest wooden hashtag signs for our pictures and Kristen from Swoon Vintage Rental Co. created an amazing photo booth for us to take advantage of.
Little Poppy Co. gave everyone their April subscription bows.
Kortni Jean provided some cute swim suits for the giveaway contests.
Freshly Picked provided a bunch of gift cards to giveaway.
Valley Gal Designs provided everyone a cute bow from her shop.
I also received 15 of these beautifully organized day planners from In The Leafy Treetops for the giveaways. These planners are perfect for moms, you have to check out all the cool things they have inside these planners. Se well thought out.
Becky and Erin from BEcoming Threads were so generous and sent everyone home with one of their tshirts with different inspirational messages on them.
The Story Behind Our Threads…
“We are two moms ‘B’ecky and ‘E’rin the BE behind BEcoming Threads. Everyone has a story and a path they are following. We were both asking questions about who we wanted to be and wondering if we were living our story to its full potential. When we realized we were both looking for the same things, we chose to bring our talents and energy together to create BEcoming Threads. Words have power and create emotion, so why not put hopeful and uplifting messages on fashionable apparel? Why not share our story with others? BEcoming threads has become a way for us to purposefully and joyfully fill the gaps between who we are today and who we want to BEcome.
BEcoming Threads offers simply stated apparel with high quality printing and soft and wearable fabrics. You will always feel confident and comfortable as you share your story and wear BEcoming Threads. This is our Story…”Let What You Wear Tell Your Story”
And a huge THANK YOU to my friend Lynne from The Rusty Locket for providing everyone a crystal necklace to take home. Each one a different color to represent our individual uniqueness and to wear as a reminder to be CRYSTAL clear on your mission and purpose in life.
The food provided by Movara‘s in house chef Sam was absolutely devine.
Everyone who attended received a Jujube bag full of goodies from the different sponsors as well as these cute magnet board signs from Petal Lane Home.
See more about the other sponsors on my last post.
Meals by Kathryn, Sweet Leaf, Cariloha, Rad Swim, Real Shades, Kenra, Ella & Anne, Dainty Jewells, Modern Vintage Boutique, Form Spa, and Sticker App.
I have so much more I want to tell you with this event recap as far as the messages that were shared from each of the speakers, but I’m going to save that for next week’s post when I share the video that should be ready soon.
Here are just a few testimonials from some of the ladies who attended.
“‘Love where you are.’ I wrote this down from a speech given by Crystal Escobar at the Wannabe Balanced Event. It hit me hard because I have found myself in this race against time. Trying to move faster than time is impossible folks! So here’s to slowing down and enjoying where we are RIGHT NOW and living in the now.”
“I got to spend my Saturday night with some seriously inspirational women at the Wannabe Balanced Event hosted by Crystal Escobar. It is so empowering to be in a room full of 100 other talented ladies that are SO supportive, complimentary, and beautiful inside and out. I’m grateful for the amazing friendships I have made, and I will definitley be going to this event next year (so should you)! Special thanks to all the sponsors and of course Movara for providing the beautiful venue.”
“This weekend I was uplifted in every possible way at the Wannabe Balanced Event put on by Crystal Escobar at the incredible Movara Fitness Resort. I got to spend all night listening to beautiful messages from amazing women. This conference is for EVERY women. I think that was my favorite part, there were women of all ages and backgrounds. I got to meet many new friends. I feel so motivated, inspired and ready to kick butt in my life.”
“Crystal Escobar put together the Wannabe Balanced Event to inspire and uplift women and it was amazing! I got to meet the ladies that started BEcoming Threads and hear their story behind their “positively” fabulous tees. Thanks for the cute tee gals.”
“After the Wannabe Balanced Event I’ve been trying to implement what I learned there into my everyday. Things like ‘push to be marvelous’ from Kirsten Tyrell and ‘choose to be proud for others instead of jealous’ from Jocelyn Walker. The magnet board I got from Petal Lane Home found a new home by my bedside to remind me everyday that I’M the one who can decide to make today amazing or not so amazing.”
“I was honored to speak at the Wannabe Balanced Event at Movara in St. George. It was such an inspiring conference, put on by the amazing Crystal Escobar. I spoke on a topic near and dear to my heart “Embracing Your Value, and Letting Your Light Shine Through”…and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” ~Marianne Williamson. Dr. Suess said it right, ‘Today you are you! That is truer than true. There is no one alinve that is you-er than you!'”