This time of year, although magical, can also be an extremely difficult time for many.
For various reasons it can trigger unresolved childhood trauma, loneliness, and of course financial stress and overwhelm.
So my intention for tonights call is to hold space for the loneliness, trauma, and stress, as we gently direct our focus towards healing, growth, and freedom from the past.
About a month ago I broke out in this horrible rash. I was so discouraged because I’d like to believe that I’m pretty healthy and that I do what it takes to maintain optimal health.
Many of us have seen tremendous results with our health and wellbeing thanks to the ER Shred protocol. But our diets can only take us so far. It can’t cure our emotional wounds.
It can be a stepping stone and create a HUGE breakthrough, but it’s only a 3rd of the equation when we’re talking about holistic health.
As much as I teach that health is not just about what we eat, it’s also about how well we’re able to manage our minds and emotions, this piece to the puzzle just seemed to slip past my awareness when I broke out in a rash.
My first response was to blame my diet, thinking, what am I doing wrong. What supplement do I need? What should I start eating or stop eating.
I skipped right past the obvious, and my focus went directly to my diet instead of looking at my stress levels and emotional health.
We must always be aware of the whole, body, mind, and soul.
Sometimes we need a little nudge from the people who know us best. Thank you Sean for encouraging me to look deeper.
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