Crystal Escobar
· in Fashion· Health· Life of a Wannabe· Weight Loss
· in Health· Mom Stuff· Weight Loss
These cookies are so good! This is my go to treat when I get those awful sugar cravings that I HATE. They still have lots of calories, so don’t be fooled, the good thing about them is that they have no artificial flavors or preservatives, no hydrogenated oils, and no high fructose corn syrup. So at least I can feel a little better about giving in to my cravings 🙂 You can get them at most grocery stores, or you can even order them directly off the website. They have lots of other products too, like chocolate chip cookies, crackers, and macaroni and cheese (love to use this for my kids instead of the other brands).
· in Health· Weight Loss
· in Health· Life of a Wannabe
I recently came across this picture on Facebook, and had to post it. I thought it was halarious!!!
I wanted to quickly share with you what kinds of precautions we have been taking since this whole Swine Flu scare. My husband Sean, has actually been the one that has taken the time to look into it for us. I’m going to have him share with you what we’ve learned. My Father in Law, Tony Escobar, is a Biosynthesis, and a product formulator himself, so my husband grew up learning all about vitamins, and supplements, which ones are good, and which ones are a waste of money. So, I’m pretty confident in my husbands choices when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Hey everyone, just wanted to share this information with you. Whether or not you feel that the Swine Flu is a serious threat is irrelevant. What is critical, is that we realize that it is essential to strengthen our immune systems, to overcome what may come in the future be it swine flu or whatever.
You can see all of the research at www.mercola.com (you should join this newsletter). This guy Dr. Mercola can be a bit over the top at times, however you can’t beat the research and info.
Canada just released a study that they did on 11 million people, where they found that people who had received the regular flu vaccine are 2 times more likely to contract the swine flu. Canada is holding off on such vaccines. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/11/10/Canadian-Provinces-Suspend-Seasonal-Flu-Shots-and-Recommend-Vitamin-D.aspx
I’m not trying to make you feel bad if you got the flu shot, I’m pointing out that the medical field is not going to rescue us so to speak. We can’t just have blind faith in them. We have to do our own homework and look for alternative methods of prevention.
Everyone knows the power Vitamin C. Vitamin D3 is the most powerful nutritive for avoiding the flu or cold in the winter months. See it’s no coincidence that when people stop receiving daily sunlight (winter months), they start getting sick, or what we call “flu season.” Vitamin D3 is the nutrient that comes from the Sun. This is why it is referred to as the Sunshine Vitamin. When people supplement with D3 during “Flu Season,” they are much much much less likely to contract the flu. It is proven in many studies.
Article on D3 for the Flu: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/10/21/avoid-flu-shots-vitamin-d-is-a-better-way.aspx
Last year I supplemented with D3 and didn’t get the flu. The year before, well that was a different matter all together, I got so sick that I went in to the doctor because I thought I was dying. The doc couldn’t do anything for me, he basically said, “some good that flu shot did ya.” One of my family members told me he gets the flu shot every year and still gets the flu, this is sooooo true. People don’t even realize what is in those shots. Mercury which will never leave the body, formaldehyde and antifreeze. Watch this video:
So the moral of this story, get on C and D3 and your kids too.
I’ve been feeding my kids liquid form as it is much more assimilated in the body. I just suck it up in one of those syringes that the Doctors use (less the needle) and then I just squirt it in their mouth. I like this brand because it tastes kind of sour and zingy and the kids like it and it is affordable online. You pay more than double at health food stores, I don’t shop at health food stores, buy everything online. Vitacost is the bomb and ship super fast. (Don’t buy First Defense for kids, that one does taste atrocious, I can’t even stomach it, but the Multiple Vitamin is very good.)
Also important to know that Sugar Suppresses the Immune system, making kids vulnerable so we should all cut back.
Love ya!
· in Health· Life of a Wannabe
Sleep??? Foreign to moms, right? I can’t even remember the last time I’ve slept through the night (until recently). Lack of sleep, of course leads to lack of energy, something we all desperately need. I would like to share with you what has helped me get more sleep and increase my energy levels. I would also love to hear what has worked for you. How do you find the energy to deal with the daily demands of motherhood?
Well, first of all, you gotta get the baby’s sleeping through the night. Something I wasn’t familiar with until, oh, about a week ago. I finally gave into the Ferber’s method, better known as “crying it out”, something I feared for along time, and never even tried with my first. I now have my 8 month old baby, sleeping through the night. That’s what I call “heaven on earth”. I never knew it could be this nice. If you have all your kids sleeping through the night, and you simply have a hard time falling asleep, I would highly recommendYou can get it right here on www.vitacost.com for around $5
I absolutely love this stuff!!! It’s not a drug, it’s a vitamin, and it TOTALLY works!!! I take it about 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep, and I am out like a light.
Second of all, you have to get your health back. It’s easy to fall into bad eating habits with little or no exercise. We’re busy all day long, the last thing we want to do, is spend time making fresh salads, and cutting out what we crave most, SUGAR. I truly believe that the way to get a jump start on your health, is by CLEANSING the body. The second I’m done nursing, I’m on a cleanse. That’s how much I believe in it. I feel so good, my energy increases dramatically, I lose weight like crazy, and I just FEEL healthier.
So, about caffeine. I have to admit, I do enjoy a diet coke once and a while. I don’t make it a habit though. Never have it in the house, I like to drink it as a special treat when we go to lunch or something. I wouldn’t suggest drinking any caffeine after 4:00, I know, common sense right. Anyway, if you must have caffeine, I have found a healthier source, and believe me, it works 🙂
It’s called Organic Yerba Mate. I like the chai flavor. I usually mix it with organic rice milk.
Another suggestion is the Verilux Happy Light. Sean and I just barely purchased of couple of these from Costco for $50 each. The suggested use is 3 hours a day. I don’t get a chance to use it that often, but I do believe that it works. Here is the description I got off the site.
The HappyLight® 6000 emulates natural sunshine to deliver up to 6,000 LUX of healthy light for improving overall mood, energy and concentration. The 6000’s Natural Spectrum® light activates the body’s natural mood enhancers, Circadian Rhythms, without exposing you to harmful UV rays. Use the HappyLight 6000 while you’re on the computer or reading the newspaper to experience improved well-being and better overall health. Experience improved energy and mood naturally without the use of drugs or artificial stimulants
I hope this information helps, and would love to get your input on it.
Thank you for stopping by! I love connecting with other like minded women. This website is all about how to become the best version of yourself as you strive for balance in motherhood, business, and overall personal growth. Let’s work together! Email me at crystal@escoweb.net
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