I had such a wonderful time this weekend in Vegas at our Isagenix 2017 Celebration. It blows my mind to see how much this company has grown since I joined over 13 years ago. I remember my very first convention. Sean and I had just become engaged and I was so excited to begin our journey of building a business and life together. The company was still brand new, only about 2,000 people were at the convention and Sean and I were just starting out. Sean had already been building the business for about 6 months before we met and he was making about $5,000 a month. At the time I thought that was absolutely incredible!!! $5,000 a month for newlyweds was pretty exciting in my opinion. Then a few years later we were making over $10,000 a month and it continued to increase until we made our first million at age 27. Now here we are, 13 years later and making more in a month than most people make in a year. This whole journey has been a dream come true and not to say that it’s been an easy road, oh no. It’s required a lot of dedication, time, consistency, and commitment. We would not be here if we werent’ willing to put in the time, to be teachable, and to get used to being uncomfortable. There is no growth in comfort. Success requires you to be just a little uncomfortable all the time.
What got me excited about this company 13 years ago was my results. I never expected to lose weight, I just thought cleansing my body for better health sounded like a great idea. Then when the pounds started melting away I was completely shocked! I lost 25 lbs and went from a size 10 to a 5 in less than 6 weeks. Without really even trying! I did the cleanse days, and on the other days I simply replaced my breakfast with the yummy Isalean protein shakes. That was it! Since then I’ve had 4 babies (gained 50 lbs each pregnancy), and was able to lose the weight every time.
Needless to say, this company has changed my life in more ways than one. Check out our YouTube video of our amazing trip to the Isagenix 2017 Celebration!