This weekend we are celebrating my husbands 30th birthday! I’m so excited because I have a thing for older men and always wanted to make out with a 30 year old. Yah baby, all my dreams are about to come true 🙂
So today I’m featuring my wonderful husband, we’re not going to call it FAB Friday though 🙂 It’s a little too feminine for my strong, sports lovin, manly man.
I have so many things to say about this guy I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, the story of how we met is coming soon. We’re celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary the end of this month and I plan to share the interesting, yet amazing story of how we ended up together.
I want to start out by sharing a little something that he wrote recently. I stole this from his weekly newsletter he sends out to all the top leaders in our company. I really liked it because he shares part of his bucket list, also mentioning some things he hoped to accomplish before he hit 30. He is such an inspiration to me, you’ll see what I mean.
Got Dreams? Better put them in Writing!
-Sean Escobar
Did you know that the single act of writing your goals down increases the chances of achieving them by 1100%? Amazing, isn’t it! You can increase your chances of reaching your goals by 11 times just by writing them down.
I remember fondly a day when my dad took out a red marker and wrote on my hand the number “50” It was August then and he said, I want you to be at 50 cycles (higher ranking in our company) by Christmas, for some reason he likes to say “by Christmas.” 🙂 Anyways, I nodded, didn’t really need to say anything, I knew it would take an incredible commitment to pull that off. Would you believe that by Christmas that year Crystal and I had broken 100 cycles a week!
When I first got involved in Isagenix I remember Dad always instructing people to write down their goals in RED. I actually still have the pad where I wrote them down from years ago. It has become quite special to me.
Here are some of the goals I wrote down in no particular order and whether or not they have been fulfilled since:
-Have the Ability to Retire by the age of 30 – Fulfilled, I turn 30 this weekend
-Meet my dream girl and get married – Fulfilled!
-Have all the time in the world for my children – Fullfilled!
-Hit a Hole In One – Not yet Fulfilled
-Invent Something – I have a couple things in mind, top secret 🙂
-Write a book – Not Yet
-Max out our position in Isagenix – Fulfilled
-Find out what people’s dreams are – getting better at this all the time
-Build a big Garage with my office above it – Fulfilled
-Read Scriptures Everyday – Not Yet Fulfilled
-Make 100’s of millions of dollars – Not Yet Fulfilled 🙂
-Start a Charity for Single Mom’s – not yet
– Serve a Christian Mission with Crystal – Not Yet
Anyways, those are just a few of them, but you can see that some of my Big Aspirations HAVE been Fulfilled and Many of the Small ones that I’m not mentioning have been. It works. I have no doubt that ALL of my goals and dreams will come to fruition! By the Way, Have I mentioned how Grateful I am for Isagenix in my life?
Love Sean
Isn’t he amazing! I feel so lucky to be married to such a person. One of the things that attracted me the most to him in the beginning, was his obvious passion to better himself and achieve HUGE goals. I LOVE people who dream big, and he is one person who truly believes that he CAN accomplish what ever the heck he wants! I’ve seen him come so far in the last 6 years.
He is also the BEST dad ever! These little kids have him wrapped around their little fingers:) He spends so much quality time with them, never tires of playing with them. In fact, if he didn’t have to work, I guarantee he’d spend every second with them. He’s such a family man, I never doubt that we are THE most important thing to him.