I couldn’t think of a better time to do the hands free challenge. I’ve been working on these monthly challenges for a while now. So far we’ve done Wannabe Fearless, Wannabe Balanced, Wannabe Lean, Wannabe Confident, and Wannabe Organized.
Now I’m so excited to reveal the Wannabe Hands free challenge. A way for us to be more intentional on being hands free by putting down our phones and focusing on our kids while they are out of school for the summer. These challenges are inspired by things that I particularly struggle with and thought it would be so fun to include you all in my attempts to becoming a happier, and more balanced mother for my children. I’m reading the book Hands Free Mama And I’m soaking up every bit of it and I’d highly recommend this book to any mom.
I’ve talked about the addiction to my phone before and I’ve been making a conscious effort to have a balance when it comes to the amount of time I spend on my phone. Some days I do really great, but most days it’s a problem. That’s also why as part of my morning routine, I decide which hours in the day I will PUT THE PHONE AWAY!
Why is it sooooo hard?
A while ago my 8 year old, the one who is best at the laying on the guilt, told me I’m ALWAYS on my phone. It was a tough pill to swallow. I found myself trying to validate my actions by explaining to him that a lot of what I do is important stuff. I’m not wasting time mindlessly scrolling through my news feed. It all has a purpose! He didn’t believe me. Grrrr! Although what I do on my phone does legitimately serve a purpose, there still needs to be a balance. It’s easy to lose sight of priorities even when what you’re doing is good.
At the same time, EVERYTHING is on our phones. In reality, our phones are our life. It holds our pics and videos, our contacts, our bank accounts, our grocery lists, maps, google, Amazon Prime, passwords, calendars, appointments. The list goes on and on. It’s no wonder we are obsessed right? It’s hard to put something down that contains so much of what we need each day. I’ve been trying to do some things the old fashion way, like use an actual Day Planner instead of my phone calendar. Make a grocery list with REAL paper and a pen. Use a camera
that is NOT my phone camera, and read printed books instead of ebooks.
I have the tendency to overdo it when it comes to things. It drives my husband crazy! One summer I had a goal to declutter and get my house organized. I didn’t just do a little here and there, I started first thing in the morning and went late into the night for weeks until I had everything just the way I wanted it.
That’s why “Wannabe Balanced Mom” was the perfect name for me. The struggle is real folks. I want balance, but it doesn’t come naturally to me. Takes consistent effort thats for sure.
I know that the phone addiction is a real thing and A LOT of people can relate. So this challenge will be a great way to hold one another accountable in our efforts to reign it in and have a healthier balance with the time spent on our phones.
I wanted to provide an incentive for everyone who participates, that’s why I have put together a nice prize for one of you lucky participants. At the end of the summer I will choose a winner and announce it in the Wannabe Balanced Facebook Group. I have a Ju-Ju-Be Bag I want to give to one of you ladies.
How To Enter:
- Participate!!!
- Join the Wannabe Balanced Facebook Group
- Add people to the group who you think would like this challenge. Each person (comment) you add counts as an entry (leave a separate comment in the Giveaway feed for each person you add).
- Share this blog post on Facebook or share the Image below on Instagram (be sure to tag me in the image and caption). Use #wannabehandsfree hashtag when you post.
- Follow me on Instagram
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
- Pin this post to Pinterest
I’ve created this free printable list of goals for you to check off. Download the PDF HERE. Let me walk you through this printable and explain how to use it.
No Phone Days
Choose 4 days this month to be completely without your phone. Sundays work best for me.
Activities with Kids
Get yourself on Pinterest and plan at least 5 fun activities you will do with your kids this month.
Journal your thoughts and experience at least 4 different times this month. Explain your goals, why you’re doing it, and what you’re noticing. Are you having withdrawals? Is it easy? Is if hard? Do you feel happier? Are your kids happier? Do you feel more present and centered?
Wannabe Hands Free Check List
- Be public about your goals. Tell your friends and family or even share online. This will create more accountability for you. The more people that know, the less likely you will be to give in. If you post on social media then use the hashtag #wannabehandsfree so we can all find each other and offer support.
- Change your phone notifications. Silent as many notifications as possible and even delete certain apps if necessary.
- Create a No Phone Routine. Use my morning routine printable to help you decide which hours during the day you will set the phone down and resist any temptations to check notifications, send emails, or jump on social media. Absolutely NO PHONE during this hour. It’s good to practice that self control.
- Let go of your “to do” list. If you’re like me, this is extremely hard to do. I wrote about how I quit my “to do” list last year. Although I know how important it is to be organized and make plans, I also know that our “to do” lists tend to have a strong handle on our lives, leaving less room for spontaneity and presence. So give it a try, throw out your to do list this month, or even just for a day. Do what you can to focus more on the present and what you feel is important in this very moment. Let your instincts be your guide.
- Plan and act of kindness. Get your kids involved and plan a little service project or a simple act of kindness you can do together.
- Create a Life List with your kids. Help your kids create a list of things they want to do in their lives. This will help remind them that in order to make these things happen, we must be spending more time pursuing them and less time watching Netflix and playing video games.
- No phone nature walk or hike with the kids. I know we all feel we MUST document everything we do which is great! But sometimes we just need to focus on being in the moment and less on documenting. I love the part in the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
“If I like a moment, I mean, me… personally. I don’t like to have the distraction of a camera. I just want to stay in it. Right there… right here.”
~Sean O’Connell
<<<Get Your FREE Printable HERE>>>