I absolutely NEVER thought I’d be writing this post.
We are officially “trying” for another baby. It’s crazy how life throws you curve balls. When I made the decision to get my tubes tied, I was 100% positive it was the right choice for me. I couldn’t imagine going through another pregnancy or sleepless nights caring for a newborn. The day after my surgery I remember bawling my eyes out. Literally crying like a baby. I couldn’t believe I had made such a permanent decision (the whole story is on my YouTube channel). Now here I am, 2 years later, post Tubal Reversal surgery, praying for baby #5!
It’s been 6 weeks since my Tubal Ligation Reversal surgery and the doctor has given us the green light to start trying to conceive baby #5. To be completely honest, this has been an emotional rollercoaster of a journey thus far. One minute I’m worried about whether or not I’ll be able to get pregnant, and the next moment I’m worrying about how hard pregnancy and new borns are. Watch my recent YouTube video for a full update on how I’m feeling.
Right now I’m just focusing on getting my body as healthy as possible. Starting with a full body cleanse and taking daily fertility vitamins from Fairhaven Health. I’ve never really thought to take any kind of fertility supplement in the past when trying to concieve, but since I’m almost 37 and only have one working tube due to the Tubal Ligation, I feel like I need all the help I can get. I recently came across these products for both men and women that I thought would be helpful in preparing my body for conception.
FH PRO for Women is a premium clinical-grade fertility supplement designed to promote egg quality, improve ovarian function, and enhance overall fertility in trying-to-conceive women.
Based on the latest scientific research, FH PRO supplies you with a complete spectrum of proven antioxidants, including CoQ10, Vitamin E, and alpha lipoic acid, to protect your eggs against the damaging effects of oxidative stress as the result of age and environmental toxins. FH PRO for Women also contains both myo-inositol and d-chiro inositol, ingredients that have been shown to promote hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity, and to support ovarian function. In addition, FH PRO provides comprehensive preconception vitamin and mineral support, including an optimal dose Quatrefolic™ – the most bioavailable form of folate.
FH Pro is intended to complement Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), including IVF, IUI, and other fertility treatments. However, it can be taken by all trying-to-conceive women, including those with PCOS and those of advanced maternal age. Let your fertility specialist know that you want to improve your conception odds with FH PRO for Women!
FH PRO for Men is a premium clinical-grade fertility supplement designed to promote male fertility by decreasing oxidative stress, improving sperm function, and enhancing overall nutritional status.
The role of oxidative stress in male fertility has received a great deal of attention recently, and rightly so – oxidative stress leads to decreased sperm count and motility, and causes damage to sperm DNA. The comprehensive antioxidant formula in FH PRO for Men reflects the latest research in this area, and is designed to reduce the deleterious effects of oxidative stress on male reproductive health.
Comprised of a proven array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, FH PRO for Men is the most complete male fertility supplement on the market. FH PRO is designed to improve all major sperm parameters – count, concentration, motility, morphology, and DNA integrity.
FH PRO for Men is intended to complement Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), including IVF, IUI, and other fertility treatments. However, it can be used by all men who are actively trying-to-conceive. Let your fertility specialist know that you want to improve your chances of conception with FH PRO for Men!
For 10% off at FairhavenHealth.com use coupon code: BALANCED10
My Positive Affirmations:
I believe I will get pregnant if it be God’s will for my life and my family. Being pregnant is a beautiful gift. It’s hard sometimes, but I can do hard things. I will not allow fear to deter me from fulfilling my unique purpose. I trust that God has my back and no matter what comes my way, I will be strengthened by God’s love for me.
“Your spirit wants to be challenged but your brain wants to stay safe. There is nothing wrong with living a safe life, accept that NOT pursuing your dreams is more painful than working through the fear and overwhelm that comes with going for it! “
~Jody Moore