One of my specialties is organizing. It’s something I’m naturally good at, but also something I often promote because of the incredible benefits it can have on the brain.
Having things neat and orderly is extremely important to me. My kids don’t always love it though. I try to impress upon them the benefits of a clean room and a made up bed, but they just think I’m a bit of a perfectionist.
I tried for years to get my oldest to make her bed each day and she’d always say, why, nobody is going to see it. I’d be so offended that she actually thought I wanted her to make her bed for OTHER people. I wanted her to make her bed for me, haha, but I was also hoping she’d experience the same sense of satisfaction I get when I walk by her room and see it all neat and tidy. It has everything to do with me, haha.
I recognized early on in my life the positive affects a clean and organized space had on my brain so it’s something that has always been a priority for me. There’s nothing better than coming down to a clean kitchen first thing in the morning, or climbing into my neatly made up bed at night.
I do it for my brain.
I used to think it was just a personality thing. I know messes don’t bother everyone, but I’ve come to learn that clutter and disorganization can have plenty of negative affects on all people, it’s not just me. Some may not even realize the stress, overwhelm, and fatigue they often feel, could be directly related to chaos and clutter. It’s not just a personality type thing, it’s a human thing.
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