Do you ever have those days where you feel like you’re on a debate team? Except you’re not really on a team, you’re on a desolate island left to fend for yourself with a vicious 5 year old as your opponent.
5 year old DAUGHTER might I add.
Lately everything I say to my daughter turns into a two hour argument which in the end leaves me throwing fits and saying things like:
“Uh huh”
“No I’m not”
“Ya huh… I think I know what I’m talking about… I AM a mom ya know”
“I’m telling daddy”
“SEEAAAAANNNNN, Lily’s not listening to me”
Once I run out of all my ingenious rebuttals, I tastefully complete the dispute by sticking out my tongue.
Then she say’s things like:
“MOM!!! You have to be nice to your childrenS or Santa won’t bring you ANY toys”
“If you don’t let me watch a movie then I’m not EVER going to brush my teeth again!!!”
Then Sean say’s:
“GIRLS! Stop fighting right now or you’re both going to time out!!!”
I think I DO need a time out.
Okay, now you HAVE to watch this video. I’m serious! No no, I’m REALLY serious!!! Watch it okay.