One of my biggest secrets to maintaining my weight loss is DRINKS! If you can find healthy low calorie drinks to sip on through out the day, you’ll be surprised how it will help you resist the urge to eat. You all know I’m obsessed with Kombucha, but I’m also obsessed with my Dandy Blend. Between all the yummy options from these two drinks, I really don’t have time or the room in my tummy to snack on junk food between meals. Also, if you’re a huge coffee drinker and would like to quit, then this post is for you. I have the perfect healthy replacement right here.
I want to share my top three drink recipes using Dandy Blend.
No-GMO’s, bitterness and acid free.
- It tastes remarkably like a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee, no brewing, dissolves instantly in hot or cold liquid.
- It is caffeine free, and has no acidity or bitterness. It is the only herbal coffee substitute in the US that features both the health benefits of dandelion root and the rich, full-bodied flavor, smoothness and texture of real coffee. Many say that, because it lacks bitterness and acidity, it actually tastes better than coffee.
- It is made of water-soluble extracts of roasted roots of dandelion, chicory and beets, and the grains of barley and rye. Nothing else is added. While they make no claims for Dandy Blend other than that it is a delicious herbal beverage with the taste, body, and texture of coffee, the ingredients – dandelion, chicory and beet roots, and barley and rye grains – are all health-promoting foods respected throughout the world.
- The sweetness some perceive in Dandy Blend is primarily from the fructose that occurs naturally in the roots of dandelion and chicory. Many people require no additional sweeteners.
- It contains over 50 trace minerals in each cup, most of which the body uses to help synthesize compounds needed in metabolism.
To Americans, dandelion may be considered a weed, but to people all over the world it is a valued vegetable and highly respected herbal medicine. It is one of the top six herbs in the Chinese medicine chest.
If your doctor or health practitioner has recommended that you give up coffee, and/or add dandelion to your diet, Dandy Blend is by far the easiest way to do that AND still continue enjoying the flavor and texture of a good “cuppa joe” at the same time.
DRINK #1: Hot Coconut Latte
8 oz. of hot water
2 tsp. Dandy Blend
1 tsp. Coconut oil (see benefits of consuming coconut oil here)
15 drops of Sweet Leaf English Toffee Stevia drops
2 oz. almond milk (optional)
DRINK #2: Protein Latte
8 oz. water
3 cupes of ice
2 scoops organic vanilla protein
1 rounded tsp. Dandy Blend
10 drops of Peppermint Mocha stevia drops
sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)
DRINK #3: Iced Dandy Blend
4 oz. water
4 oz. unsweetened almond milk
2 tsp. Dandy Blend (more or less to taste)
5 drops of vanilla creme stevia drops
5 drops of chocolate stevia drops
Top with home made coconut whip cream (this is also good on the hot coconut latte) YUM!!!