I’m always amazed with all those people trying out for American Idol, with the possibility of being scrutinized by the entire world. How nerve racking that must be. I admire their courage and couldn’t imagine anything more difficult.
As little girls, we grow up watching singing princesses living fairy tale lives. We dream of our weddings and living our own fairy tale one day. I’ve always LOVED music and I love singing, although it’s not one of my talents. I love listening to the lyrics of songs and applying them to my life. There’s nothing better than finding a song that describes how you’re feeling in every way. I would love to write a few songs one day, as a way of articulating myself ( I better add that to my life list ). I am a true believer that we all have special talents. Some have been blessed with an incredible voice, and others……well, not so much. But I don’t think that should hold us back from singing when you want, or expressing ourselves through song. I always dreamed of singing a love song to my husband on our wedding day. I imagined I would write a song of my own, or find the perfect song with the right words to express how I felt. So, when that day finally came, I wasn’t about to give up on that dream. I didn’t exactly have much time to write my own song, since we only dated for 2 weeks, and were engaged for 3 months before getting married. So instead I found the ultimate song to convey how I felt about the love of my life.
One of the biggest things I’ve struggled with in life, is caring too much what other people think. It has held me back in some ways and kept me from doing what I really wanted at times. I am determined to overcome it, and the only way to overcome it, is to keep fulfilling my passions and dreams without second thought of what others may think. That is really hard for me, but I’m committed to not letting that hold me back.
Think about all the things you ever wanted to do, BUT DIDN’T, for fear of what others would say.
My wedding day was all about Sean and I, and I wanted to do something extra special that came from the heart. I’ve put together a short clip to show you a little of what that day was like for me.