I’ve got some tips to share with you today. Tips that will help you focus more on being healthy. I’m not going to teach you how to to count calories, cut carbs, exercise like a maniac, hang pictures of skinny super models to motivate you. It’s about providing your body with an abundance of nutrition, getting plenty of sleep, exercising 15 minutes a day (yes I said 15 minutes, that’s all it takes), looking in the mirror and loving YOUR body just the way it is.TIP #1~ SLEEP
First and foremost. You’re not going to get anywhere on less sleep. You may think that waking up earlier and staying up later will provide more time to get things done, but you won’t be doing your body any favors. I’m learning this. Us moms could ALWAYS use more time in the day right? Often times we try to fit it ALL in each day. We get up before the kids, and stay up way after they fall asleep. But we all know how this makes us feel. TIRED. ALL. THE. TIME. So the solution is to take a few things off your to-do list in exchange for a little more sleep. This will have huge benefits in all aspects of your life.
I’m talking about your exercise routine. How many of you think that in order to see results you have to kill yourself at the gym for at least an hour each day? I’ve recently been introduced to a new way of thinking when it comes to working out. Pete Cerque, the author of the new book called The High Intensity Fitness Revolution has taught me that shorter more intense work outs are WAY more effective. In this book he explains the science behind it along with step by step pictures of how to do his work out program in 15 minutes or less. It all makes complete sense to me. Back when I was in my early 20′s I used to work out like a maniac, even trained and ran a marathon. I was heavier and thicker than ever before. I’m not just talking about muscle. I was definitely flabby and this was even BEFORE having kids.
I LOVE the idea of shorter work outs. It’s hard as moms to find the time to sneak away to the gym, or to even work out at home. I’ve tried getting on my treadmill regularly but rarely do I finish without an interruption or two. The kids are fighting, need me to help them with something, want a snack, a drink, a toy. It’s always something. I’m sure all you moms can appreciate the “less is more” concept. We want results, but the reality is we only have 15 minutes. Also, I’ve actually been doing the work outs WITH the kids and they are loving it. It’s become a family affair. So here’s your challenge:
TRY this work out program, the book is less than $10 on amazon. What do you have to lose? You’ve got your baby weight to lose that’s what. Don’t we all :).
Cleansing the body is a MUST! Imagine never changing the oil in your car for 30 years. That’s pretty much what it’s like when you don’t cleanse the body regularly (about every 3-6 months is recommended). Our food isn’t what it once was, neither is the air we breath or the water we drink. Unfortunately times have changed over the last 100 years. Obesity rates are staggering and serious health conditions continue to rise.
The purpose of cleansing:
To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed inside your body.
To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.
To build a healthy blood stream.
To keep youth and skin elasticity regardless of our years.
To lose excess weight.
To increase energy, and mental clarity.
Get weight loss and cleansing off to a fast start with 30 Nutritional Cleansing Fat Burning System that I use.
* The five nutritional components of the system help you cleanse while infusing your body with premium nutrients for optimum health and safe weight loss. Stimulant free.
One thing you might like to know about this system, is that it comes with FREE coaching. Guess who will be your personal cleansing coach and cheerleader???? Yours truly :). I get so excited about this program because I’ve seen hundreds of amazing stories. I was personally able to lose 25 lbs and go from a size 10 to a 5 (these pics we before I had kids) and keep it off for 12 years now. I’ve even had FOUR kids since then. I never thought in a million years I’d be a size 5 after having 4 kids. It’s been a dream come true for me. Check out our Financial Success Story.
No I’m not talking about alcohol. I’m talking about water of course. Duh, we all know this right? water is essential to better health. Try drinking warm lemon water first thing in the mornings.
Water is not the only thing you should drink. . Drink 2 oz. of cleanse juice every day. Drink green tea. Drink the Isalean protein shakes. Drink my healthy energy/weight loss drink.
First add the water (8 oz.) double or triple the recipe if you want to store it in the fridge to have it on hand. Drink 16 oz. at least twice a day.
8 oz. of freshly brewed green tea (try the berry flavored kind for more flavor) Green tea is full of antioxidants, helps burn fat, improves heart health, and increases energy.
1 scoop of Cleanse For Life powder or 2 oz. of liquid Cleanse For Life. Everyday we’re exposed to hundreds of toxins–from the food we eat, to the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the items we touch. Without proper cleansing of impurities, the body struggles to maintain good health. Cleanse for Life helps give your body the nutrition it needs to cleanse itself naturally, and unlike other “cleanses,” laxatives or diuretics that can deplete your body, Cleanse for Life nourishes and feeds your whole body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals. Deep and daily cleansing with either our powder or liquid forms of Cleanse for Life, supports your mental and physical performance, resistance to stress and digestive health. It can also help protect your body from the cumulative damage of environmental toxins and oxidative stress and encourages safe and effective weight loss by gently removing impurities.
2 scoops Replenish powder. Want more energy is a refreshing drink powder containing Vitamins A, C and B complex, electrolytes and nutrients that are lost during stress and exercise.
Lemon juice, squeeze one full lemon. Lemon juice promotes healthy digestion, and weight loss.
2 Tablespoons of Chia seeds. Because of the unique gelling action of the chia seeds, they will keep you feeling full for hours. They also help balance blood sugar levels, adds healthy omega 3 to your diet, and will keep you feeling energized all day because of it’s complete protein. It also has antioxidants and will help cut the food cravings.
Sliced Cucumbers (about 5 or 6 slices). Cucumbers are a great source of vitamin C and also help improve the health of your skin.
Fresh Mint leaves. For added flavor.
Drink green smoothies. I use to juice almost EVERY day for about a year. I’m so over it now though, WAY too much work. I need something quicker so I’ve moved to green smoothies. Not AS good as juicing, but still better than nothing. In my smoothies I like to use all kinds of ingredients. Kefir, Kale, ginger, spinach, parsley, pineapple, cucumber, kiwi, strawberries, banana, and squeeze some lemon juice in there. I just throw in what ever I have.
I’ve found it to be much easier to eat healthy when I plan out my week. Plan out your meals, buy a bunch of fresh produce and spend a day preparing what you can. Chop up the carrots, celery, apples, ect. Put them in separate baggies so they are ready to go. I also like to prepare a few salads for the week. Of course don’t add the dressing or cheese until just before you’re ready to eat it. This will keep the lettuce nice and crisp for you. I actually have a Meal Plan available on Amazon for anyone who would like to know exactly what I eat and how I do my weekly meal prep. Or if you’d like the FREE PDF version then you can get it HERE.
And most importantly, don’t forget to LOVE YOUR BODY!!!
Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself you are one sexy chick! Love your shape, love your curves, love your saggy stretched out skin your sweet babies gave you. We wouldn’t change it for the world right. Be grateful for your HEALTH.
People are always asking me what my secret to staying thin is. So there ya have it. My 5 secrets to a healthy body. Now I want to know YOUR secrets.
Here are my most recent weight loss pics, after baby number 4!